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修指甲师马上就过来。The manicurist will be right here.

你能推荐一个好的美甲师吗?Could you recommend a good manicurist?

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指甲修剪师是进行修理指甲工作的人。A manicurist is one who gives manicures.

行,美甲师马上会过来。Okay, the manicurist will be right here.

来自越南的金林•范是弗吉尼亚州一家发廊的美甲师。Kimlinn Pham, from Vietnam, is a manicurist in a hair salon in Virginia.

听到了吗?怎么回事?我怎么总遇上粗鲁角色?。Did you hear that?What is that? Why do I always get the surly manicurist?

你必须去专业美甲师,使您的指甲好看。You have to go to a professional manicurist to make your nails look good.

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最被恨的妇女在中国掩藏起来作为一位谦逊的修指甲师在布鲁克林。The most-hated woman in China is hiding out as a humble manicurist in Brooklyn.

每一4-6个星期,它是一个好主意寻求专业指甲修饰师的服务。Every 4-6 weeks it is a good idea to seek the services of a professional manicurist.

但是这位47岁的指甲修剪师每天的修甲、美甲业务不如她期望的那么多了。But the 47-year-old manicurist isn't cutting, filing or polishing as many nails as she'd like to.

但这位47岁的指甲修剪师修甲、美甲的业务也不像他希望的那样多了。But the 47-year-old manicurist isn't cutting, filing or polishing as many nails as she'd like to, either.

但是,这位四十七岁的美甲师也不能如其所愿地修剪、锉磨、上油那么多的指甲了。But the 47 year old manicurist isn"t cutting, filling or polishing as many nails as she"d like to, either.

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但是,这位四十七岁的指甲修饰师修剪、锉磨、上油的指甲数量却难遂其愿了。But the 47-year-old manicurist isn't cutting, filling or polishing as many nails as she'd like to, either.

为了保住这份工作,把修甲师约到你家将成为第一步。Being able to call a manicurist to your apartment would be the first step in guaranteeing yourself the job.

27岁的罗玉凤在中国一度成为全国人民的笑柄,如今她在纽约布鲁克林区工作和生活,职业是一名美甲师。Luo Yufeng, 27, who became a national laughingstock in China, now lives and works in Brooklyn as a manicurist.

在专利申请专利的材料疯丫头是由可以很容易地去除热一方的美甲或客户端。The patent pending proprietary material Minx is made of can be easily removed with heat by either the manicurist or the client.

但是她在纽约开始了自己的新生活,连眉毛都没画的罗玉凤开始了指甲修剪师的工作。But in New York, where she's started a new life, Feng Luoyu, 26, can go about her life as a manicurist without raising a single eyebrow.

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只去找有许可证的,受过培训的专业修甲师。每一个修指甲师应该有一个是当前值得炫耀的国家发行的美容学许可证。Only go to licensed, trained professionals. Each manicurist should have a state-issued cosmetology license that is current and visibly displayed.

我现在就能想象,十二月来到的时候,那位美甲师又会试图说服我在指甲上涂上红色和绿色,再配上小小的圣诞老人——因为圣诞节来了嘛。I imagine when December rolls around, my manicurist will try to convince me to get red and green nails with little Santa Claus's on them in the spirit of Christmas.

香港迈克尔·杰克逊歌迷俱乐部成员、二十四岁的修甲师凯斯·NG在电话里告诉CNN,她原打算和四个朋友一起去伦敦参加他八月一日的音乐会。Kase Ng, a 24-year-old manicurist and member of the Michael Jackson Hong Kong Fan Club, told CNN by phone she had been planning to go with four friends to his August 1 concert in London.