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我。是。一朵。蛋疼。的。女子。I'm only a container depot.

仓库游荡没有一个花色货品。Depot loafing no one fancies.

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卡车司机在库房装车。The lorry driver loaded up at the depot.

游击队放火烧了敌人的仓库。The guerrillas burned down the enemy's depot.

该系统已在某粮库得到实际应用。This system has been used in the grain depot.

他呢,就到我的车厂里头打工还债。He can go to my depot to work for their debts.

这个兵站有富足的食品供应。The military depot has a plentiful supply of food.

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承运人可将货物卸入任何仓库。The carrier may discharge the goods into any depot.

一年后,家得宝成了TCP最大的客户。A year later, Home Depot was TCP's largest customer.

全部货物送到仓库等候装运。All supplies were sent to the depot to await shipment.

主食、仓库和办公处已经马克斯价格匹配。Staples, Office Max and Office Depot have price matching.

主矿路口可以以一兵营一人口堵口。The main can be walled with 1 barracks and 1 supply depot.

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当有其他单位在补给站上方的时候,你也可以展开它。You will be able to raise the depot when units are on top.

图中所见是竹东车站的月台与车库。This photo shows the platforms and train depot of the station.

你们中的大多数可能面对家庭工厂的主意逡巡不前,但是听我的。Many of you might balk at the Home Depot idea, but hear me out.

粮站里现在还用瓝子存放粮食吗??Are they still using rough-wrought mats to store grain in depot?

残破的运盐用木质敞车群亦在保存之列。Kaput wooden salt carriers have also been preserved in the depot.

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要想廓清场地,纽伦堡电车总站必须迁移。To clear ground, the Nuremberg streetcar depot had to be removed.

废弃于乌树林车库后方的糖铁蓬车。Two freight cars were abandoned at back yard of Wu-Shu-Lin Depot.

目前家得宝正在为这块业务寻找买家。A business that Home Depot is currently in the process of selling.