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我问,很恼火他打断我。I ask, annoyed at the interruption.

一打岔我就把这事全忘了。An interruption put it quite out of my head.

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然而我们很少注意到这种运行中断。Yet we rarely notice this interruption of service.

这说明中断阈值是不能接受的。This means the interruption threshold is unacceptable.

我们的政府将保持正常运转,不会中断。The functions of our government continue without interruption.

减少用量或者停用CNI可能减少肾衰竭。The reduction or interruption of CNI may reduce renal failure.

“你在这儿做什么?”我问,很恼火他打断我。"What are you doing here?" I ask, annoyed at the interruption.

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简述了定时中断程序各模块的主要功能。Module functions of the timing interruption program are described.

这是什么原因发生故障或中断您的数字卫星电视接收效果?。What could cause a failure or interruption to your DStv reception?

一点小小的干扰都有可能使我在计算上出错。Any small interruption is likely to throw me off in my calculations.

小小贝在公园里撒欢地跑着,没人阻拦。Bryan was enjoying running around the park without interruption from us.

想好好泡个澡,冥想,睡觉或者是没有打扰的读会儿书吗?Want to take a long bath, meditate, sleep, or read without interruption?

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海盗会中断全球的供应链,这是我们的问题。This is the interruption of the global supply chain. This is our problem.

你会感到困惑,他是在听我说话,还是在准备插话?You may wonder, is he listening to me or rehearsing his next interruption?

当释放装置信号中断时自动关闭。Door shall become self-closing on interruption of signal to release device.

图中有一片高地截断了其中一些风痕,那片高地的中心就是沙特阿拉伯的沙儒拉城。In the center of that interruption lies the Saudi Arabian town of Sharurah.

耶稣容让巴底买打扰,并邀请他接受一个信心的生命。Jesus welcomes the interruption and invites Bartimaeus to a lifetime of faith.

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最后,本文介绍了HAL函数中断的实现和FAT32文件系统。At last, we introduce the realization of HAL interruption and FAT32 file system.

李嘉诚静静地听着母亲说,并不插话,只是给母亲满上一杯功夫茶。Li Ka-shing listened quietly without interruption. He refilled his mother's cup.

控制器采用端口查询方式来获取中断源。The interruption source of the controller was abstained by a port-query pattern.