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他们看见一艘大船。They saw a big riverboat.

在剧中,他出演一位船工。He played a riverboat worker.

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等待船只的过程中,灰黑浑浊的水面上一直散发着恶臭。A foul stench rises from the grey-black water as I wait for the riverboat.

只见船上升起一股白烟,随后又是一声“轰”。Then from the riverboat came a cloud of white smoke, and then another Boom!

兰多早期的形象被描绘成一个圆滑的船上贝者徒类型。Early incarnations of Lando described him as a slick, riverboat gambler type.

马克·吐温先发表了第4–17章,讲述他在1875年当河道船舶引水员学徒的生活。Twain first published Chapters 4–17, describing his apprenticeship as a riverboat pilot, in 1875.

孩子们逐一被询问着,但没有哪个孩子记得在回来的渡船上看见过汤姆和贝奇。Children were questioned. No child could remember seeing Becky and Tom on the returning riverboat.

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这条河建造了一系列新的河堤和水闸,最近才通内河客轮。This river was only recently made accessible to riverboat traffic by a new series of dams and locks.

在影片中,他们两个非常不同的字符爱上一个河船在非洲的中间。In the film, their two very different characters fall in love on a riverboat in the middle of Africa.

他曾在路易斯安那的一个轮渡赌船上被追赶,还看见一个同伴被拉斯维加斯的赌场轰了出去。He'd been chased off of a riverboat in Louisiana and watched a teammate kicked out of a Las Vegas casino.

在一艘游船感觉密西西比河的伟大,或者到欧纳拉斯加湖去试试你的运气,看能否钓得上白班狗鱼。Chart the mighty Mississippi on a riverboat tour, or try your luck with the northern pike in Lake Onalaska.

无论公司规模的大小,也无论是老牌企业还是新入行的企业,都不可能承受得起这种冲击。No company—large or small, incumbent or new entrant—can afford to be a riverboat gambler. And no company should.

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90年代的时候,内河船领航协会连续三年投票推选他为年度最佳船长。The Riverboat Pilots Association voted him Riverboat Captain of the Year for three consecutive years in the 90s.

他花了两年的时间学习有关河流的知识,成为河船引水员,但是内战终止了他的河上生涯。He spent two years learning the river and becoming a riverboat pilot, but his career on the river was ended by the Civil War.

他花了两年的时间了解密西西比河,并成为河船上的一名领航员,但南北战争的爆发结束了他在这条河流上的领航生涯。He spent two years learning the river and becoming a riverboat pilot, but his career on the river was ended by the Civil War.

甚至连河船餐厅也生意不断,锈迹斑斑的甲板自2004年以来就是空荡荡的,如今那里做起了油炸食品生意。Even the riverboat restaurants are plying a trade of sorts, serving fried food on rusting decks that had been empty since 2004.

在路易斯安那州的梵霞瑞,明亮的粉色石柱在橡树绿廊下熠熠生辉,一条橡树小径欢迎着观光客们来欣赏此地的道路和游船。Oak Alley, luminous pink pillars gleaming under an arch of oaks near Vacherie, Louisiana, welcomes sightseers by road or riverboat.

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山姆在宾夕法尼亚号上为弟弟找到这份工作,作为礼物送给他,希望这个腼腆的小男孩能够走进哥哥在密西西比河大船上的冒险世界。Sam had secured the position for his brother as a gift, hoping to offer the shy boy an exposure to Sam’s own world of riverboat adventure.

有一次在亚马逊河谷某处一家名叫麦克劳伊的酒吧中他对一个醉醺醺的轮船驾驶员说,她留给我的比我留给她的要多。"She left me with more than I left her, " he said once to a boozy riverboat pilot in a place called McElroy's Bar, somewhere in the Amazon basin.

在俄亥俄河北方银行公司坐落于埃文斯维尔,大卫威廉的家,52,轮船赌场上曾进行赌博游戏。On the north bank of the Ohio River sits Evansville, Ind. , home of David Williams, 52, and of a riverboat casino where gambling games are played.