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没人选上吗No one's choosing Up?

我为什么选择了平衡?Why am I choosing balance?

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需要帮忙选球桌吗?。Need help choosing a table?

那我选中情况是怎样的呢What about choosing Middle?

选择男服务员的原因。Reasons for choosing waiters.

我能找出选择下的理由吗Can I rationalize choosing Down?

那也是由不得你选择。But that wasn't of your choosing.

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选择是自由的另一种名字Choosing is the byname of freedom

自由别名乃选择。Choosing is the byname of freedom.

没有人选上,那好吧No one's choosing Up at all, okay.

他犹豫了一会才选了一本书。He hesitated before choosing a book.

它是上帝选择接下来要创造什么。It Is God, choosing what next to create.

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当年的皇帝可真会选地方。The emperor was good at choosing places.

选择福瑞,享受自由!Choosing FRAE is choosing free enjoyment!

参与人I有三个策略,上中下Player I is choosing Up, Middle, or Down.

在挑选二手船时不要急于做决定。Take your time when choosing a used boat.

择业也是一种挑战。Choosing a career path can be challenging.

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我对我选上做了解释I have a way of rationalizing choosing Up.

为什么选择我们的婚礼彩妆造型师?Why choosing our wedding make-up stylists?

除此之外,就开始选择你的基金吧!Other than that, begin choosing your funds!