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协助处理公司行政事务。Cooperate to handle clerical work.

一位穿灰色教士服、系贴颈硬白领圈的祭司。A priest in a clerical grey suit with a dog collar.

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这里是教权主义支持者们开会的地方。This is the place where the clerical had their meetings.

荷马的诗歌经常在希腊宗教的文牍中被引用。Homer's poems often in the Greek religion was quoted clerical.

人们需求一名旧的白书协帮打字和白件归档工做。We need a new clerical assistant to help with the typing and filing.

主事也就相当于文秘性质的人员。Principal and also the nature of the equivalent of clerical personnel.

为了强制僧侣独身,格雷高里七世比以前任何教皇尽力都多。Gregory VII did more than any previous Pope to enforce clerical celibacy.

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因速记、书写和计算产生的错误是可以更改的。Stenographic, clerical and mathematical errors are subject to correction.

我对这家大公司的文书工作改进方案很感兴趣。I am interested in the clerical work improvement program in this big campany.

当时无论学生还是老师,学者的标准服饰是牧师的衣装。Whether a student or a teacher, standard dress for scholars was clerical garb.

阁下在今日XX报上刊登招聘秘书广告,本人获悉,特此应招。XX in your newspaper today, clerical work, I have learned, hereby should move.

1979年伊斯兰革命,推翻了君主王权,实行教权统治。and the 1979 Islamic Revolution, which replaced the monarchy with clerical rule.

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没时间检查拼写了,如有任何书写错误,见谅了。I don't have time for proof-reading, so forgive me if there is any clerical error.

他感到自己的教士身份完全被置之不顾,这使他心里异常恼火。The feeling that his clerical character had been wholly disregarded sorely vexed him.

革命以后,MEK是文职政权最坚实的支持者。After the revolution, MEK was amongst the most stalwart supporters of the clerical regime.

它是一个复杂的社会,由教权统治、民粹主义和一系列权力组织组成。It is a complex society that combines clerical rule, populism, and a series of power groups.

主教会议英国教会中的一种教会人员会议,与教会会议相似。但只在被。A clerical assembly of the Anglican Church similar to a synod but assembling only when called.

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最后,各种特定的宗教和团体的神职人员文书使用的祭服为会员。Finally, various specific religions and groups use clerical vestments for members of the clergy.

他的伤残补助申请被拒绝,理由是他可以找一个办公室里的文书工作。He was denied disability benefits on the theory that he could get a desk job doing clerical work.

自2003年以来,出身于优秀的牧师世家的萨德尔一直在构建这一角色。It's a role that Sadr, the scion of a prominent clerical family, has been building toward since 2003.