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所以,为什么不重启多哈?So, why not revive Doha?

恪守多哈的时间表。Keep to the Doha timetable.

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他称这过于简化了多哈回合。He called it the dumbing down of the Doha round.

支持多哈谈判的第二个理由,是要支持世贸组织本身。The second reason to support Doha is to bolster the WTO itself.

多哈谈判面临的许多障碍都是政治性的。Many of the obstacles facing the Doha negotiations are political.

在多哈,帕托也完成进球,看来沙漠环境也不能阻挡他半步。MILANELLO – He's scored also in Doha. They can't stop him anymore.

多哈回合谈判如获得成功,就可在2015年之前使1.4亿人脱贫。A successful Doha round could lift 140m people out of poverty by 2015.

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多哈回合的核心是农业,而这也是适当的。At the heart of the Doha Round lies agriculture, and appropriately so.

多哈谈判的南北会谈框架却忽视了这些分歧。The North-South frame of the Doha negotiations ignored these cleavages.

由于对农业的过分保护,已使得多哈回合谈判满目苍夷。Due to over protection for agriculture, made Doha Round Negotiation tough.

如今,由于多哈回合谈判陷入停顿,达成双边协议再次成为关注的焦点。Now that the Doha Round is on hold, bilateral ambitions are again the focus.

全球发展不平衡加剧,能源价格走高,多哈回合谈判被迫中止,南北差距仍然很大,实现千年发展目标的前景不容乐观。Energy prices remain high. The Doha Round of negotiations has come to a halt.

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由于对农业的过分保护,已使得多哈回合谈判满目苍夷。Because of excessive protection of agriculture, the Doha Talk has been ruined.

我没有因为一分之差而不能夺魁,所以,我的水平也很高。I didn't win the tournament in Doha for one point. So playing high level, too.

世界银行研究报告警告说,在多哈议程上无所作为的代价在上升。The cost of inaction on the Doha Agenda is rising, the World Bank study cautions.

但是,多哈回合贸易谈判的幽灵阴魂不散,困扰着一些人的思维。But the spectre of the moribund Doha round of trade talks haunts the minds of some.

由于对农业的过分保护,已使得多哈回合谈判满目苍夷。Doha round negotiation had become badly due to excessive protection to agriculture.

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这种态度就是破坏本周多哈回合贸易谈判的潜在原因。Such attitudes were behind the wrecking of the Doha round of trade talks this week.

顾名思义,这是一个位于卡塔尔多哈的国际新闻频道。As the name suggests, this is an international news channel located at Doha in Qatar.

上周欧美在多哈回合贸易谈判中已提交了这项建议。S. and EU proposed the idea last week as part of the Doha round of trade negotiations.