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这本书被节略过。The book is abridged.

剧本经过节略,以拍摄电视片。The play was abridged for TV.

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这本书是从原作删略而成的。It was abridged from to original work.

它由原著缩节而成。It was abridged from the original work.

这本词典是删节本。This dictionary is an abridged edition.

这本书是从原作删略而成的。This book is abridged from the original work.

当他们被删节不能确定。When they were abridged can not be determined.

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因此,我告诉了她们实情,尽管有所删节。So I told them the truth, albeit somewhat abridged.

这本书如经删节,可读性也许会更强些。This book might be more readable if it is abridged.

你读的是全书照旧节减本?。Did you read the whole book or the abridged version?

缩写的行为或被缩写的状态。The act of abridging or the state of being abridged.

顺便提一下,作者节略了上述故事。By the way, the author abridged the above-mentioned story.

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她的故事做了删节,才能在杂志上发表。Her story was abridged for the publication in the magazine.

他似乎接受了节本他的规则,就如何取胜。It seems he gave an abridged version of his rules on how to win.

所有的文化在那里都有缩影,所有的野蛮风气也一样。All civilizations are there in an abridged form, all barbarisms also.

我只跟你讲了删节版的向女人挑战。I have really only given you the abridged version of CHALLENGING women.

我有一套删节过的儿童版,也许我该开封。I do have an abridged kids version, though, so maybe I'll crack that open.

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我要告诉你为什么我会始终不渝的信任法制。下面你将读到的故事已经被删减,以免冗长。I . The story you're about to read has been abridged to reduced its length.

为节省你的时间,我本打算给这篇文章写一个100词的精编版。To save you some time, I was going to give you a 100-word abridged version.

考虑周到的编缉删掉了书中的枯燥部分,从而将那本大部头著作的篇幅缩短了。The thoughtful editor had abridged the massive book by removing the boring part.