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耶鲁大学人类学系的研究助理,加里.阿龙森说,“它是非常隐秘的动物,我们对它几乎一无所知。”It is a very cryptic animal.

离开神秘的苹果粉丝的反应?Apple fanboy leaving cryptic responses?

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在打字机上留下神秘的信息。Leave cryptic messages on the typewriters.

隐藏型外显子的识别。The identification the human cryptic exons.

戴起假面具,加入我们神秘的假面舞会!To put on a mask, come to our Cryptic masquerade ball!

公司的电话会议上的问答阶段像个混乱和神秘的舞蹈。Conference call Q&As are a confusing and cryptic dance.

迈克尔斯有趣的抒情,神秘和暧昧。An interesting lyric of Michaels, cryptic and ambiguous.

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对宾夕法尼亚州一家农场的拜访证明了那里的神秘莫测。A visit to one of the farms in Pennsylvania proved cryptic.

这看起来有点神秘,但是它就是这样做的。It looks a little cryptic but it actually just does what it says.

两天前,她收到了她的妹妹Jessica发来的神秘语音邮件。Two days ago she received a cryptic voice-mail from her sister Jessica.

中国首都北京大大小小的墙上,贴着各种神秘的电话号码。All over the Chinese capital, walls are daubed with cryptic telephone numbers.

它们神秘的色彩和生存技巧使得它们充满了无穷的魅力。Their cryptic colouring and survival techniques make them endlessly fascinating.

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它的乐趣来自于勤于思考之后的发现以及获得有关神秘夜空的知识。Its joys co me from intellectual discovery and knowledge of the cryptic night sky.

给别人留一个当心恶作剧的便条,却什么也不做。Leave cryptic notes warning someone of an impending prank then do nothing all day.

对小鼠结肠组织原位标本进行潜生体定植的实验研究。Colonization of cryptic growth cells was studied by observing tissue sample directly.

在喜玛拉雅的摇篮里,在恒河的怀抱中,天竺成为一个神秘的国度。In the Himalayan bassinet and the arms of Ganges, Hindustan become a cryptic country.

难得地精魂也会进行更详细的解释,当它们这麽做的时候,它们的回答是隐秘的。Rarely do the spirits elaborate further, and when they do, their response is cryptic.

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马克·吐温作品中提到她的地方大多模糊不清,蒙着一层神秘的面纱。Mark Twain’s references to her are, for the most part, cryptic and tinged with mysticism.

一只神秘的泪滴螃蟹寻找避难所在一处海绵近博内尔岛加勒比地区。A cryptic teardrop crab seeks refuge inside a sponge near Bonaire Island in the Caribbean.

要使这样的神秘命令更具可读性,可以在键入时扩展历史参考。To make such cryptic commands more readable, you can expand history references as you type.