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她是一位生存者。She's a survivor.

巴伯萨是一个幸存者。Barbossa is a survivor.

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今天,他会是一位幸存者。Today he’d be a survivor.

TAL是位幸运的生存者。TAL is a fortunate survivor.

呈文幸存者状况。Report condition of survivor.

我想因为您是惟一一个幸存者吧。I suppose because you are the only survivor.

将这看做是约翰逊太空中心的生还者。Think of it as Survivor at Johnson Space Center.

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直升机把幸存者吊起送到安全的地方。The helicopter winched the survivor up to safety.

这名士兵是这场战斗唯一的生还者。This soldier was the sole survivor of the battle.

这孩子是那次飞机坠毁事故的独一幸存者。The child was the single survivor of the air-crash.

7岁小男孩鲁斯兰是这次恐怖事件的幸存者。Seven-year-old Ruslan is a survivor of that tragedy.

我希望作为癌症患者再多活1-2年。杨向中。I hope to live another 1 or 2 years as a cancer survivor.

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在一场船难中,唯一的生存者随着潮水,漂流到一座无人岛上。The only survivor of a shipwreck was washed up on a small

“简直是恐怖,”一个幸存的美兵告诉科塔将军。It was terrible, " one survivor reported to General Cota ."

于是,她父亲成了幸存者,而她母亲没能活下来。So. Her father was a Survivor. Her mother had not survived.

我是雷普利,“诺史莫”号的最后幸存者,完毕。This is Ripley, last survivor of the Nostromo, signing off.

我是雷普利,“诺史莫”号的末了幸存者,完毕。This is Ripley, last survivor of the Nostromo, signing off.

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他的儿子凯尔萨斯王子是这个皇家血统的最后血脉。His son is the only remaining survivor of the royal bloodline.

温德和克火车站从旧时代保留至今。The railway station in Windhoek is a survivor from the old days.

一位叫马远江的男人是周二救出的第一位幸存者。A man named Ma Yuanjiang was the first survivor saved on Tuesday.