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客户是挑剔的。Customers are finicky.

不同的配置设置会引起奇怪的行为。Various configuration settings can cause finicky behavior.

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我们的第一站是科克郡,那是妈妈的故乡。Our first stop was County Cork, home of the finicky Flynns.

那老女人对食物很讲究,吃得非常少。The old lady was finicky about her food and ate very little.

但是,米德勒发现,他们过分挑剔。But, as Mr Midler discovers, they are finicky about what is found.

由于摩门教控制了该城的立法机关,因此制定了严格的饮酒法令。Thanks to a Mormon-dominated city council, drinking laws are finicky.

把这些小鱼刺从鱼里全部挑出来是个细致活儿。It's a very finicky job to get all these little bones out of the fish.

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它容易用并受到人们喜爱——即使是对于挑剔的青少年。It’s easy to use and a total crowd pleaser – even among finicky teens.

雷射二极体更容易受影响,无法容许这麽多的缺陷。Laser diodes are even more finicky and cannot tolerate so many defects.

雪莉别担心,他不挑剔。我们还要买一些蕃茄酱汁。SHIRLEY Don't worry. He's not finicky. We still need to get tomato sauce.

一些负面的事情,会让你在接下来的几天里,变得有些刻薄“A couple of negative aspects could make you a little finicky " for the next few days."

期初他们只是要一些信息,但是当Milder有所发现时,他们会对所找到的真相十分苛刻。That suggests they want information. But, as Mr Midler discovers, they are finicky about what is found.

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这种方法长久以来为园艺家用来繁殖植物,尤其是像兰花这种非常挑剔的植物。The method has long been used by horticulturalists to propagate plants, particularly finicky flora like orchids.

流量式减压器稍微麻烦一些,如果损坏严重,可能停止运行。Flow actuated unloaders are slightly more finicky and may cease to function if they wear too much out of tolerance.

有了福特的发动机,索潘特拉应当比采用难伺候的意大利发动机的车更容易维护,然而要让索潘特拉正常运转却并非易事。With its Ford engine, the Pantera was supposed to be easier to maintain than something with a finicky Italian engine.

这在对付滑口鱼,或者当不利天气时,感度变得更重要。This really comes into play for finicky fish, or when adverse weather conditions make "feel" that much more important.

但是,这对吃有著龟毛坚持的饕客来说绝对是不能轻易松懈的时刻美食雷达24HR开启。But, this to eat with finicky adhere to disregard the guest are absolutely cannot easily lax moment 24HR open food radar.

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我对于过分讲究的光学指点杆不太感冒,反倒怀念联想笔记本电脑所用带有清除功能的激光笔。I was less pleased with the finicky optical Trackpoint that made me long for its eraser-head counterpart on Lenovo notebooks.

无论是与要求过多的老板、难处的客户还是吹毛求疵的客户,你应加深他们对你态度与服务的认可。Whether dealing with a demanding boss, difficult client or finicky users, you have to impress them with your attitude and service.

以前,海洋监测研究不但费功夫也很花钱,你不但需要一艘研究船,也要有工作人员维护精密仪器。Previously, ocean monitoring was a laborious and costly job, requiring a research ship and crew to maintain the finicky instruments.