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他的博学来自他的刻苦钻研。His erudition comes from his assiduous study.

这种博学是极受赞赏和尊重的。Such erudition is greatly praised and honoured.

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他自以为有学问,摆出—副博学的样子。He fancied himself learned and assumed AIRS of erudition.

博学令人钦佩,但它很少能导致杰作的产生。Erudition is admirable, but it seldom leads to masterpieces.

他们自以为有学问,摆出一副博学的样子。They fancied themselves learned and assumed airs of erudition.

课程仿佛一个表现多种语言学识的舞台。The course felt like a stage display of multilingual erudition.

调查证明他是一位深且广的博学。Investigation proved him to be a man of deep and broad erudition.

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这位作家渊博的学问来自长年累月的钻研。The profound erudition of the writer came from long years of study.

在公开露面的场合,他也不刻意隐瞒他的博学多闻。And in public appearances he doesn't even try to disguise his erudition.

在公开露面的场合,他也不刻意隐瞒他的博学多闻。And in public appearances he does not even try to disguise his erudition.

不止一个人进行博学和清晰的解释,他或她为什么认为延长著作权保护期是一个错误。More than one explained, with erudition and clarity, why he or she believed that duration extension is a mistake.

事实上,除了世尊曾明言叫人不要学数学以外,似乎博学多闻还是世尊相当重视的一个项目。Excepting that Buddha affirms his disciples not to learn math, he does emphasize erudition is essential to practice.

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我相信你必然会从那些文学作品中,发现哲学揉合了独创、博学和幽默。I think certainly the greatest combination of philosophical originality, erudition and humor to be found in the literature.

简洁赅要的评语,不但呈现出萧先生的词学观,也呈现萧先生的学养性情。The concise and insightful commentaries not only display Professor Hsiao's erudition but also reveal his views on lyric poems.

我在学问的波涛上载沉载浮﹐在古籍的深渊里潜进潜出﹐窃取那典坟秘学。I float on the waves of learning and dive in the abyss of ancient publications, to steal the precious editions and mystic erudition.

不朽的电视节目兴高采烈地跟上时代的步伐,变得更加密切和大家谁要查他的博学访问。Immortal TV show cheerfully keeps pace with the times, becoming closer and more accessible for everyone who wants to check his erudition.

以朴学立根基,以玄学致广大,以佛学阐革命,其学固非清学所能囿限也。His erudition , rooted in Classics, expanded by Taoism, and renovated by Buddhism, had not been confined to his contemporary academic convention.

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卡贝尔当然对这些都已知晓,但他还是努力表现出对达尔杜的博学很赞叹的样子。毕竟克里斯塔和勒荣为他们的孩子感到非常自豪。Cabell already knew all that, of course, but he tried to look impressed by Dardo's erudition -Crysta and Lron were so proud of the cub, after all.

他喜欢参与过于讲究细微差别的神学讨论,用自己的博学知识来衡量。He loved to participate in hair-splitting theological discussions and, by the measure of his own erudition , he proceeded to gauge Sri Ramakrishna.

两种语言本身的特性固然令他失望,而失望转而促使他对心目中的基督堂的博大精深更加崇敬。In fact, his disappointment at the nature of those tongues had, after a while, been the means of still further glorifying the erudition of Christminster.