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我必须去提款机提款。I need to hit an ATM.

我孩子认为我是提款机。My kids think I am ATM.

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我的卡被柜员机吞掉了。My card was eaten by the ATM.

附近有自动提款机。There is an ATM machine nearby.

自动取款机把我的卡吞掉了。The ATM won't give my card back.

一张新的自动提款卡要花多少钱?How much does a new ATM card cost?

丈夫是公婆家的取款机。永无宁日。Husband is in-laws' ATM. No peace.

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我们推出了首个无卡式自动柜员机。We launched the first cardless ATM.

你可以在自动柜员机上修改密玛。You can change your PIN at the ATM.

你是否要申请办理提款卡?Do you want to apply for a ATM card?

考虑是否能在海外的提款机上使用你的银行卡。The overseas ATM and your debit card.

我必须要改变我的自动提款卡的密码吗?Will I have to change my ATM password?

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我可以通过自动柜员机存钱吗?Can I deposit my money through the ATM?

她得从自动提款机提领一些钱。She has to withdraw some money from the ATM.

赵女士持银行卡到银行自助柜员机前准备取钱。Miss Zhao went to the ATM with her bank card.

是的。我想我的自动提款卡坏了。Yes. I don't think my ATM card works anymore.

您会在七天内收到您的金融卡。Your ATM card will arrive in about seven days.

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这台自动取款机已坏了几天了。上个星期就应该修好了。This ATM has been out of sevice for a few days.

第二天Deborah从自动提款机取了钱出来。The next day, Deborah took money out of the ATM.

上周,某间大银行还在贫民窟启动了第一组自动提款机。Last week a major bank opened the slum's first ATM.