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前一趟车是直达车。The former is non-stop.

我以前是一名吸毒者。I am a former drug addict.

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我仍然持过去的看法。I still hold my former views.

艾伦·斯特恩曾是美宇航局空间科学探索项目负责人。Stern, former NASA space chief.

啊,过去的朋友,一件令人伤怀的事。the Former Friend. A sad thing.

他对他的前妻彬彬有礼。He treats his former wife civilly.

前者显示一个进度条。The former renders a progress bar.

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啊,过去的朋友,一件令人伤怀的事。Ah, the Former Friend. A sad thing.

海沃思是一个电台节目主持人。Hayworth, a radio host and former U.

从前总统乔治布什到白宫新发言人J。From former U. S. President George H.

这样,他以前的那些花就不寂寞了。So his former flowers are not lonely.

怎么说我们以前也是好搭档嘛。We were good partners in former days.

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谁是前任总干事?Who are the former Directors-General?

他重新担任原职。He has taken up his former post again.

松元刚明是银行家出身。Matsumoto is a former banker just out.

那些知更鸟占了它们的老窝。The robins occupied their former nest.

速度的话感觉是直接扑地比较快。As for speed, the former one is faster.

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他是前NBA最佳防守级别的防守者。He's a former All-NBA-caliber defender.

这些荒闲草地从前的耕种者的亲人。Of former tillers of these fallow leas.

菲律宾前总统阿基诺因逝世。Former Philippine president Aquino dies.