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真鲷会不会太辣?Is the red snapper too spicy?

这样的话,我就点真鲷。Then I'll have the red snapper.

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“数以百计的鱼”在新西兰遇难"Hundreds of snapper" perished in New Zealand

红雕鱼,海鲈鱼,三文鱼,配小料。Snapper fish, sea bass, salmon, with condiments.

同时,将红鲷鱼肉放在一个有边的烤盘中。Meanwhile, place snapper fillets on a rimmed baking sheet.

它吃掉了一只绑在鱼线上的大鲷鱼。It later consumed a large snapper that was being reeled in.

禁渔刺激了对虾需求量的增长,接着到红鲷鱼。The closures stimulated a boom in shrimp and red snapper later.

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长皮鞭一种长形、细头编制而成的生牛皮或革制鞭,鞭尾有一摁扣。A long, tapering, braided rawhide or leather whip with a snapper on the end.

这款酒搭配香草烤鸡或清烤鱼最佳。This wine goes great with herb roasted chicken or seared snapper with capers.

这些鱼类包括红鲷鱼、大西洋鲑鱼、金枪鱼和帝王蟹。These fish include red snapper , Atlantic salmon, bluefin tuna, and king crab.

我闭上双眼安坐着,把注意力集中在厨房里大蒜和烧烤小食的香味上。I sat with my eyes shut and concentrated on the kitchen scents of garlic and grilled snapper.

你现在看到的是九带笛鲷的产卵方式。九带笛鲷在水中游行。You're watching the spawning ritual of the dog snapper. The dog snappers parade up the water.

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如果珊瑚礁消失,石斑鱼及红鲷鱼等常见消费鱼类可能会成为记忆。If reefs were to disappear, commonly consumed species of grouper and snapper could become just memories.

当潜泳的观光客吐著气泡经过时,整群的小梭鱼和鲷鱼,从阴暗锈蚀的战舰残骸中窜出。Shoals of jackfish and snapper emerge from the gloom of the scuttled, rusting warship as visitors snorkel past.

在所述按扣或磁性物体的背面、与红外粘胶片体之间处有垫片。A pad is provided between the rear side of the snapper and the magnetic object and the infrared sticking patches.

但是个体小一些且胆大的鳄龟会顺着湖泊和河流从南美一直游到加拿大。S. waters, while the smaller, more aggressive common snapper prowls lakes and streams from South America to Canada.

一时间,德国的一角已经成为小突尼斯,狂热的球迷马诺比已经把这些全拍了下来。After SOT For a while, one corner of Germany has been turned into Little Tunis, and this red snapper has it all on film.

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即使与生俱来就用腹部沉重缓慢行走,一只受惊的鳄鱼龟却从巨大充满力气的盔体中解脱出来,优雅散脱地游过佛罗里达一个池塘。A bottom plodder by nature, a startled common snapper coaxes grace from its heavy, muscled body as it swims across a Florida pond.

他的招牌菜包括红鲷鱼配色拉和焙盘鱼及贝类配面包。His signature dishes include Snapper Baked in Salt Crust and a tableside presentation of Fish Casserole Enriched with Crustaceans.

将煎锅放入烤箱中继续烤鲈鱼,根据鱼的大小决定大概烤多久,一般4到8分钟即可。Take frypan and put it under the grill to complete the cooking of the snapper. Depending on size it should take from 4 minutes to 8 minutes.