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为何你是如此的坚强?Why are you so adamancy?

什么才是真正的坚强?What is just true adamancy?

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有什么办法可以给自己坚强些?。What method can give him adamancy some?

怎么可以让一个人坚强起来?How can you let one individual adamancy rise?

过分的坚强是坚强还是害怕失败?。Is exorbitant adamancy adamancy still fears to fail?

擦干眼泪,除了坚强我们别无选择。Wipe away tears, we have nothing to do but adamancy.

怎样成为一个意志力坚强的人?How to become the person of adamancy of a psychokinesis ?

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坚强诚恳是我的骄傲,超越自我是我的目标!Adamancy and heartedness is my pride, Exceedding myself is my gole.

你所看到的坚强,只是她在竭力掩饰的脆弱。What you have saw adamancy , she just pretend to cover up her sadness.

以简练的线条传达艺伎的坚强与美丽。The simple and clean silhouette represents the adamancy and beauty of Geisha.

我该怎么办?伪装的坚强是否真的能换来胜利光芒!How should I do? Whether can the adamancy of camouflage change triumphal ray really!

如果给我一次机会,我也选择发生意外,因为它会让我变得坚强。IF give me one chance, I choice happen accident too, because it become adamancy to me.

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哈姆雷特的性格是复杂的,他的性格中既有软弱性又有坚强性。Hamlets character is very complicated, containing the aspects of feebleness and adamancy.

她们共同具有美丽,勤劳,善良,坚强而毫无柔弱之态的性格特征。They shared the character of fairness, industry, goodness, adamancy and without any effeminacy.

今天,我有一个目标就是我要变得坚强,因为以后我会有更多的问题去解决,我必须学会这些!Today I have a dream , I want let me more adamancy , I have many handicap to conquer , I must learn it!

面对懦弱的养父、冷漠的养母、生病的弟弟,她用坚强撑起一片天。Confront cowardly foster father, chill foster mother, ailing little brother, she opens a season with adamancy.

忧伤且坚强是阿赫玛托娃爱情主题的两个层面,这种微妙且复杂的内心状态源于家庭、疾病、婚姻等个人经历还有宗教思想的渗透。The key of the Ahematowa's love theme was desolation and adamancy because of her family life, ailment, marriage and religion.

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伟大事业需要伟大工程的有力支撑,政治路线需要组织路线的坚强保证。What great cause needs great project is strong prop up, the adamancy that political course needs to organize a course assures.

勇敢走吧,就像以前那样,在踮起脚尖的一瞬间,看到向日葵努力伸展拔节向着天际的隐忍与坚强。Keep steps in courge, like before. In the moment on tiptoe, see sunflowers are striving to stretch wattles towards the forbear and adamancy of the sky.

面对未婚妻和师弟的背叛他坚强面对,女土匪路瑶婷对他的爱意却让他不敢承受。The treason that faces fiancee and junior fellow apprentice his adamancy is faced, female bandit Lu Yaoting lets him dare not bear however to his love.