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这个定时器是一种轮询机制。This timer is a polling mechanism.

另一个常见的技巧是长轮询。Another common technique is long polling.

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轮询就是我们大多数来检查邮件的方法。Polling is how most of us check our email.

在西雅图的投票站将不会开放。Polling places in Seattle will ndot be open.

这些投票站共有5294位登记选民。The total of 5294 polling registered voters.

在不朽内存中创建一个或多个轮询线程。Create one or more polling threads in immortal.

这个星期,各投票点的安全工作抓得很严。Security is tight this week at the polling sites.

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所有这些轮询都产生了许多额外的工作。All of this polling makes for a lot of extra work.

轮询非同步作业的状态。Polling for the Status of an Asynchronous Operation.

如果需要,调整节点上的作业轮询间隔。Adjust the job polling interval at the node, if necessary.

政府禁止独立选举监察员禁止进入点票地点。Independent vote monitors were banned from polling places.

民意测验机关时时对选民进行抽样调查。Polling organizations sampled the electorate at intervals.

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数据库不只是为轮询或事件而设计的。Databases are simply not designed for polling or for events.

它允许简单的双路通信,所以拜拜了,轮询。It allows for easy two-way communication, so bye bye polling.

这些红圈是投票点,是根据你的标准选择的。The red circles are polling stations, selected by your criteria.

我从没见他依赖民意测验,帮助他做决定。I never once saw him rely on polling to help him make a decision.

进行投票的同时,加沙地带的暴力行动在继续蔓延。The polling comes as violence continues to flare in the Gaza Strip.

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而且正如你们所了解的那样,在投票前也曾有不轨行为。There have been irregularities before the polling day, as you know.

而今年3月举行投票时,这个投票站至少记录了300张票。In March, there were at least 300 votes cast in that polling station.

下一节说明如何改进轮询的效率。The next section covers how to make the polling a bit more efficient.