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日本新政府到底是狮子狗还是京巴?Japan's new government Poodle or Pekinese?

路上唯一看得见的动物是宠物狮子狗。The only animals you see in the streets are pet pekinese.

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白脖子的那个哈巴啰朝南的那个咬。The white-necked Pekinese dog is barking wildly toward south.

在从政路上,萨科奇被称为“小拿破仑”、“政坛莫扎特”和“巴狗”。Nicolas is called as "small Napoleon", "politician Mozart" and "Pekinese dog.

天津离北京很近,所以许多北京人在周末就可以轻而易举的到那里去。This city is nearby Beijing, so many Pekinese can go there on the weekend easily.

早知道今天还是要放下身段不如当初就乖乖摆好哈巴狗的姿态。Had I known that I have to do that today, I would pose like a Pekinese before for your pleasure.

它既是物化的北京都城史的一块“活化石”,又是文化的北京人美学意识的象征。It is both a materialized "living fossil" of the capital history of Beijing, and a symbol of the cultural Pekinese 's aesthetic sense.

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北京艺术家史国瑞是一位归根学派的实践者,他使用针孔照相机来拍摄当代中国。Pekinese artist, Shi Guorui is a follower of the return to the roots, who uses the technique of the pinhole to photograph contemporary China.

一个北京男孩、女孩、男人或女人乖僻的体态和慵懒的语气足以呈现当地人文特征和随和的生活品性。The unmistakable poise and leisurely accent of the speech of a Pekinese boy, girl, man, or woman is sufficient evidence of this human culture and geniality of life.

喜欢旅游的夏先生回忆说,去年“十一”他去大连玩了两天,让他的小京巴狗狗“留守”家中。Mr. Xia, a traveling-prone man, recollected that when he went to Dalian for two crazy days during the last National Holidays, he left behind his Pekinese , GoGo, at home.