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大部分锂矿存储于玻利维亚。The bulk of it is found in Bolivia.

蝴蝶和树,马迪迪国家公园,玻利维亚。Butterfly and Trees, Madidi National Park, Bolivia.

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1997年,FTZ株式会社取得玻利维亚天然盐矿的采矿权。In 1997, the FTZ has natural salt Co. , the mining Bolivia.

玻利维亚站点和巴西站点由不同的团队负责。Different teams work on the Bolivia site and the Brazil site.

部分水坝将在雨林位于秘鲁和玻利维亚的地区修建。Some dams will be in Peruvian and Bolivia parts of the jungle.

这就是玻利维亚农业革命的独特之处"。That's what makes the agrarian revolution in Bolivia different.

哈尔在玻利维亚可持续发展组织和马普切人组织做志愿者。Hal has volunteered with Sustainable Bolivia and Asociacion Mapu.

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劳拉说他们正“准备去玻利维亚和哥伦比亚购物”。Laura Zúñiga said they were “going shopping” in Bolivia and Colombia.

玻利维亚和智利的锂储量占全世界储量一半多。More than half the world’s lithium reserves lie in Bolivia and Chile.

位于智利与玻利维亚边境的利坎卡武尔火山。Licancabur volcano is located on the border between Chile and Bolivia.

阿方埃斯卡兰特海梅出生于一九三在拉巴斯,玻利维亚。Jaime Alfonso Escalante was born in nineteen thirty in La Paz, Bolivia.

该实验室是玻利维亚在今年内发现的第四个大型可卡因加工点。The lab was the fourth large facility to be found in Bolivia this year.

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印度、土耳其、巴拉圭和玻利维亚支持蒙古的豁免请求。India, Turkey, Paraguay and Bolivia supported Mongolia's waiver request.

在最近几个星期内,强降雨已造成玻利维亚全国44人死亡。In recent weeks, heavy rains have caused 44 deaths nationwide in Bolivia.

若论可卡因产量增速,南美洲没有其它国家可出玻利维亚之右。Nowhere in South America is cocaine production growing faster than Bolivia.

拉波特若沙的旅行结束在智利的阴沟里,而格瓦拉是在玻利维亚的阴沟里翻了船。La Poderosa's journey ended in a ditch in Chile, Che's in a ditch in Bolivia.

鉴于预测到2015年锂将发生短缺,玻利维亚或许也有优势。With a lithium shortage forecast for 2015, Bolivia may also have the upper hand.

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她说,长大后她想成为一名传教士,很可能是去玻利维亚传教。She says she would like to be a missionary when she is older, perhaps in Bolivia.

报告指出,柬埔寨、中国、以色列、伯利兹及波利维亚取得了一定进展。Improved performance was reported for Cambodia, China, Israel, Belize and Bolivia.

但是,玻利维亚已经证明,没有华盛顿的合作,它仍然可以做的非常好。But Bolivia has proven that it can do quite well without Washington's co-operation.