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高尚者的美德是高尚者的纪念碑。The monuments of noble men are their virtues. Euripides P. 27

同样,历史如同阿里斯托芬或是欧里庇得斯所论述的那样愚蠢。And yes, it is as stupid as set forth in Aristophanes or Euripides.

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你可算得是第一流的奸商,这也是咱公司的造化。You are a shark of the first order, Euripides. So much the better for the firm!

欧里庇得斯是希腊著名的剧作家,他与埃斯库洛斯和索夫克洛斯并称为希腊三大悲剧作家。Euripides was a Greek playwright recognized, along with Aeschylus and Sophocles, as one of Athens's three great tragic dramatists.

考古学家曾在埃及的一个古希腊罗马时代的垃圾堆里发现了记载着索福克勒斯和欧里庇斯部分佚失剧作的莎草纸。Archaeologists have found papyruses inscribed with parts of lost plays by Sophocles and Euripides in a Greco-Roman rubbish tip in Egypt.

光是讲到埃斯库罗斯、欧里庇得斯和索福克勒斯的作品,我们甚至不敢说后人已经达到了他们一半的水准。Just talking about the works of Aeschylus, Euripides and Sophocles, you cannot even say that you have attained half of their achievements already.

在尤里庇得斯的悲剧中,依保列德因为情感带来毁灭性力量而备受困扰,尤里庇得斯相信人类的感情失控是危险的,是一场祸害。Hippolytus in Euripides's tragedy is brought down by the destructive force of passion, which Euripides always thought was dangerous, and a disaster.

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然而无论在我身上发生过什么,无论我有过怎样的经历,我却从来没有能够解决生命中真正的难题,这些难题自欧里庇得斯和阿里斯托芬以来,就一直折磨着每一位剧作家。But with everything that's happened to me, all of my experiences, I've never been able to solve the real problems of life that have plagued every playwright since Euripides and Aristophanes.

不过,尽管欧里庇得斯觉察到了人性中理性观念的局限,他却并不愿对情感与欲望持完全否定的态度。However, although Euripides has discovered the localization of the ration conception inside of the human nature, he did not wish to hold the complete negative attitude towards the emotion and desire.

这剧本的存在让我们所有人了解到,当代大师有多看重苏格拉底,包括亚里斯多芬尼斯,还有索夫克里斯,尤里庇狄思等大家,及其它伟大的希腊剧作家。The existence of that play shows to all of us just how seriously Socrates was taken by the greatest of his contemporaries and Aristophanes was along with Sophocles and Euripides and others among the greatest of the Greek playwrights.