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你的贞操依旧需要给予别人。You have to GIVE your virginity away.

15岁的时候,我在一辆旅行车里失了处女之身。I lost my virginity at age 15, in a trailer.

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这些新领地曾经拥有属于他们的纯洁。The new lands were handed back their virginity.

教宗博尼费斯八世否认玛丽亚的处女性。Pope Boniface VIII denied the virginity of Mary.

试着从另外一个角度来思考你的童贞。Try thinking about your virginity in another way.

这个老苦役犯的心里充满了处子的纯真。The heart of that ex-convict was full of virginity.

今天,我把初夜交给了我的男友。Today, I lost my virginity to my amazing boyfriend.

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失去处子之身确实会改变你的人生。Losing your virginity really could be life-changing.

使女性丧失处女身的行为。The act by which a woman is deprived of her virginity.

我17岁的时候将初夜献给了高中女友。I lost my virginity at 17 to my high-school girlfriend.

失去童子之身也是男性社会化的标准。And losing virginity is a societal benchmark for masculinity.

现在我们都心照不宣,知道什么是童贞。Now it goes without saying that we all know what virginity is.

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她们还对较早失去贞操感到压力更大。They also feel more pressurised to lose their virginity early.

圣约翰对待处女中男性至上主义的暗示。the sexist implications of Saint John's treatment of virginity.

如果一个女人在婚前失贞的话,婚约就会取消。If a woman loses her virginity before marriage, the deal is off.

那夜之后她仍然保持着童贞,而我觉得我自己却失去了贞操。She remained a virgin, but I think I lost my virginity that night.

女人没有义务在婚前保持贞操。Women have no duty to keep their virginity before getting married.

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而她们等待的外科手术将使其“重返处女之身”。And the surgery they are waiting for is to restore their virginity.

15-19岁,这一年龄段的处女增加比例最大。The biggest increase in virginity was seen among 15- to 19-year-olds.

另一类是,“觉得沮丧的人”,把自己的处女之身当作一种负担,想要摆脱。There are the “Stigmatized” who see virginity as a burden to be shed.