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一位小孩向他的敌手诵念这句话。So chanted the child to his antagonist.

一种非常特别的抑制剂It's a very particular sort of antagonist.

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他突然想出了一个挫败他对手的计划。He hit upon a plan to defeat his antagonist.

依普利酮是选择性的醛甾酮拮抗药。Eplerenone is a selective aldosterone antagonist.

屈臂时,肱三头肌为对抗肌。When bending the elbow the triceps are the antagonist.

电影制作是有体裁的,都有强烈的反派角色。Filmmaking is all about genres and having a strong antagonist.

这个勇敢的武士把向他挑战的敌手一一击败。The brave knight defeated each antagonist who came against him.

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共同收缩反映拮抗肌与主动肌肌间协调性。Co-contraction denotes the coordination between agonist and antagonist.

纳洛酮一种药品,C19H21NO4,用作一种麻醉性药物的对抗剂,如吗啡。A drug, C19H21NO4, used as an antagonist to narcotic drugs, such as morphine.

姜黄含泌素受体激动剂桔抗剂。Curcuma Longa probably include the excitant or antagonist of gastrin receptor.

比如说,有一种叫做箭毒马鞍子的药物,它是一种抑制剂。So, for instance, there is a drug known as Curare and Curare is an antagonist.

比如说,有一种叫做箭毒马鞍子的药物,它是一种抑制剂So, for instance, there is a drug known as Curare and Curare is an antagonist.

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湖人没能签下拉加贝尔,但是另一湖人的老对手即将加盟。The Lakers were unable to signRaja Bell, but another antagonist is on the way.

艾瑞克森现在74岁了,我给他念这些老对手的话,他笑了。Ericsson, now 74, laughed when I read him these quotes from his old antagonist.

当我把这些老对头的话读给爱立信听时,74岁的他笑了。Ericsson, now 74, laughed when I read him these quotes from his old antagonist.

她那淡淡的,倨傲的笑容似乎使她位于对手无法触及的高度。The faint disdain of her smile seemed to lift her high above her antagonist 's reach.

和我们搏斗的对手使我们士气大增,而且提高了技巧。He that wrestles with us strengthens our nerves and sharpens our skill. Our antagonist is our helper.

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然而这位基地组织领导还是认为,有必要向这个对抗者做一个长达200页的抗辩。But the al-Qaeda leader still felt the need to compose a detailed, 200-page rebuttal of his antagonist.

结论盐酸西替利嗪是一个具有抗过敏、高效、速效的H1受体阻断药。CONCLUSION The research indicated that cetirizine is an antiallergic H1receptor antagonist with high efficacy.

现在我们都是幻云宗的敌人,以前的事情就不要在提了。Now the antagonist whom we are all Huan cloud to believe in, the affair in quondam doesn't ambition at elevator.