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与惊人的冷面幽默“交合”起来,这使艺术家的画作具有了传统风格。This, coupled with a ferociously deadpan humor, makes the artist’s images iconic.

我自己是残疾人,而且还是个处男,我近乎残忍地羡慕这些人。Being disabled myself, but also being a virgin, I envied these people ferociously.

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扮鬼脸扮得太多以至于丢失了幽默感——这是一场令人难以忍受的、矫柔造作的演出”。He mugs so ferociously he kills the humor – it's an insufferably cute performance?

这种努力同样表现在残酷的高考考场上。Such diligence also reflects the ferociously competitive university entrance examinations.

我们非打倒他们不可。“黛西低声地讲,一壁冒死境对于炽热的太阳一瞬。"we've got to beat th down, "whellospered daisy, winking ferociously toward the fervent sun.

在过去几周里,我们看到阿拉伯人民强烈地依附于自己的民族共识。Over the past weeks, we’ve seen Arab people ferociously attached to their national identities.

我开了门,潜入邻居的牛栏,牵着牛绳就出了门。As I opened my neighbor's cattle pen to lead it out by its halter, a dog barked ferociously at me.

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实际上,经常是最不爱政治的总裁管理政治性很强的公司。In fact, it’s often the least political CEOs who run the most ferociously political organizations.

我们很难理解那种愤怒的暴徒心理为什么蔓延得那么快——仿佛一场革命一样。It’s hard to understand how the angry mob mentality- the collective hue of red vision–spreads so ferociously.

我仍然渴望真正的生活,仍然保持极端的独立,仍然追求正义,仍然轻易地陷入热恋之中。I still lust for life, I am still ferociously independent, I still crave justice and I fall madly in love easily.

智力超群的他在哈佛和剑桥都拿到了法律硕士学位。Ferociously intelligent, he had earned master’s degrees in law from both Harvard University and Cambridge University.

这只倒霉的麋鹿绝望地缠绕在树枝里,当约翰逊靠近时正在乱踢乱撞。The unfortunate elk was desperately entangled in the tree’s branches and was kicking ferociously as Johansson approached.

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上世纪80年代,中国立场坚定派怒斥倾向资本主义和民主化的“和平演变”。In the 1980s, China’s hard-liners ferociously denounced “heping yanbian” — “peaceful evolution” toward capitalism and democracy.

我竟害怕得捂住了耳朵。然而这声音却像午夜的丧钟一般不住地在我脑子里回响,恶狠狠地侵蚀着我每一寸肌肤。I was so scared as to cover my ears, But the sound was like the midnight bell tolling in my head, ferociously smashing every inch of my skin.

武财神误中属下金蝉的诡计受重伤,奋不顾身地要与九妹一起下凡。Martial god of wealth was mistakenly subordinate golden cicada trick was seriously wounded, ferociously for descent with nine younger sister.

他打球极富侵略性,他能够突破上篮得分,还可以在外线拥有柔和的出手手感。He rebounds with the aggression of a power forward, has the ability to finish ferociously in traffic and has a soft touch on his outside shot.

事实上,基德收到纽约和马塞诸萨州州长理查德·库特的指令后,本来打算要严厉地搜捕海盗。In fact, Kidd intended to hunt pirates ferociously after being commissioned to do so by Richard Coote, the governor of New York and Massachusetts.

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爱国主义始终是美国人的诸多品德当中最为抽象的一种,也许这便是我们对那些有助于定义何谓爱国主义的各种符号争执不休的原因吧。Patriotism has always been the most abstract of American virtues--which may be why we fight so ferociously over the symbols that help us define it.

虽然海军陆战队为他们最具英雄气概的职责服务感到自豪,但他们还是严格要求自己做到最好。Although Marines pride themselves on being the most testosterone-fueled of the services, they also ferociously promote their view of themselves as the best.

一位身形硕大,穿着橄榄绿制服,戴着红色肩章的守卫,满带藐视地用俄语向我们吼道。A colossal bullfrog of a guard, in an olive-green uniform with red epaulets, is spitting at us in Russian while a huge alsatian strains at the leash, barking ferociously.