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诗歌的最后部分要齐唱。The last verse will be sung in unison.

他们开始齐颂。They began chanting in perfect unison.

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王女士在01年成立香港融乐会。Fermi Wong set up Hong Kong Unison in 2001.

你几乎可以听到玩家们共同的呻吟。You can almost hear gamers groan in unison.

“我们工作赚取到的!”水牛们齐声回答。We earned it! The buffalos answered in unison.

“要非常,非常的小心。”贝弗莉和我异口同声的乞求着。"Very, very good care, " Beverly and I pleaded in unison.

物流“和”网络并驾齐驱,在种种媒介上纵横驰骋。Logistics" and "network in unison across the various media.

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两个致命飓风同时席卷南俄克拉荷马州。Two deadly tornadoes swirling in unison in southern Oklahoma.

“不白痴!”铁渣和嚎叫难得有这么一致的时候,同声抗议着。"Not idiot! " Slag and Snarl both protested, almost in unison.

当然是申雪和赵宏博了,他们之间的配合简直是太默契了。Shen Xue and Zhao Hongbo, of course. They skate in perfect unison.

孩子们大声叫喊着,齐刷刷地把拳头挥向想象中的敌人。Yelling, the children jab their fists in unison at imagined enemies.

另外,学生被要求齐声背诵主祷文。In addition, the students were to recite the Lord's Prayer in unison.

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抗议者齐声唱诵、祈祷,还一齐唱埃及国歌。Protesters chanted, prayed and sang Egypt's national anthem in unison.

香港融乐会举办和平巡游,以推广种族和谐。Hong Kong Unison organises a Friendly Parade to promote Racial Harmony.

骠骑兵们都聚集起来,一齐用洪亮的喊声回报。The hussars thronged about him and responded by a loud shout in unison.

现在我们在钢琴伴奏下齐唱国歌。Now let's sing the national anthem in unison with the piano accompaniment.

勤恳追寻它们,为了那一刹时的同步,这就是动人的生命奇迹。To catch up, to live for a moment in unison with it, that was the miracle.

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香港融乐会发起游行,争取更全面的种族歧视法例。Hong Kong Unison MARCHES for a More Comprehensive Race Discrimination Bill.

与此同时,卡通狗莫西也会在屏幕上他那个时髦的桃木屋里随之起舞。On the screen Moxy the cartoon dog in his funky toon room dances in unison.

在这个房间里,只有那淡淡的橘香,而我们母女俩一同呼吸着这香味。There is only the room, the faint scent of oranges, and us, breathing in unison.