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晚饭太晚让我父亲气恼了。The late dinner disgruntled my father.

两天过去了,她仍在闹情绪。She remained disgruntled two days later.

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他再也不能把自己当作一个气哼哼的门外汉了。He cannot pose any more as the disgruntled outsider.

劫持巴士的绑匪是一名愤懑的菲律宾前警官。The bus was hijacked by a disgruntled former police officer.

那是因为心怀不满的员工都是懒洋洋的。That's because disgruntled employees are lackadaisical at best.

第一种方案研究的是攻击者是心怀不满的雇员的情况。The first scenario looks at a situation in which a disgruntled employee is the attacker.

Kopchinski说,具有讽刺意义的是,当提交Bextra的诉讼后,我也成了一名心怀不满的前雇员。Ironically, after filing the Bextra suit, "I was the disgruntled former employee, " he said.

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奥萨玛·本·拉登显然其中是一个,另一个是来自中东的恐怖组织。Obviously Osama Bin Ladan is one, another would be a disgruntled group from the Middle East.

到了星期三,由30名顾客所组成的小组已经计划好星期六在那家商店见面。By Wednesday, a group of 30 disgruntled customers had plans to meet at the store on Saturday.

过去几年中,不满的中国平民在建筑物附近或者公共汽车里制造爆炸。In past years, disgruntled Chinese citizens have set off explosions near buildings or on buses.

中国每年有成千上万起失地农民示威。Every year, there are tens of thousands of protests across China by the disgruntled dispossessed.

每隔几个月,我们就会看到不满的雇员拿枪扫射公司的新闻报道。Every few months, it seems, we read about a disgruntled employee who goes on a shooting spree at work.

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新华社早前报道,爆炸是因一位当地的农民对其正在审理中的案件不满引起。Earlier, Xinhua said a disgruntled local peasant farmer had set off the bombs because of an ongoing lawsuit.

彭日成否认了这些指控,称政府的指控基于手下一位愤怒雇员的一面之词。Mr. Pang denied those allegations, saying the government based its case on the word of a disgruntled employee.

这出戏不如我预想的那么好,表演本可以更精彩的,我非常不满意。The play wasn't as good as I thought it would be. The performance could have been better. I'm pretty disgruntled.

当你让我去上学,不让我做米老鼠的文身,不让我给舌头穿孔时,我总是闹情绪。When you let me go to school, let me do a Mickey Mouse tattoo, let me give tongue piercing, I always disgruntled.

本月早些时候,RIM公司试图安抚一些心怀不满的股东。RIM placated some disgruntled shareholders earlier this month, promising to review a structure that allows Messrs.

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我打开包装,赞赏了礼品,并向他表示感谢时,他却满脸通红,显然很不愉快。When I unwrapped it and thanked him and praised the gift, he went all red in the face, apparently very disgruntled.

在过去这几年,不满或有心理问题的不安定中国公民在建筑楼或公交车上引发爆炸。In past years, disgruntled or mentally unstable Chinese citizens have set off explosions near buildings or on buses.

不满的学生也经常带头抗议腐败无能不作为的政府官员。Disgruntled students have often taken the lead in national protests against corrupt, inefficient or repressive officials.