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婴儿开始专攻他们的母语。Infants are beginning to specialise in their own language.

他们专营高价的新奇的商品,真的。And they specialise in selling overpriced novelty goods, really.

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伦敦艺术学院,这显然是专攻时装的。London College of Art which obviously will specialise in fashion.

高速摄影术方面的专家必定是一个有耐性的大师。Those who specialise in high-speed photography are masters of patience.

专修理汽车排气管,汽车大镜与改装车。Specialise in car exhaust pipe and car windscreen service, car motor sport.

喜欢用矛的家伙们似乎偏好身体柔软的猎物,如鱼类、乌贼和章鱼。Spearers tend to specialise in softer-bodied prey, such as fish, squid and octopus.

这两家中国公司专营网络基础设施,同时也制造手机。Both Chinese firms specialise in network infrastructure, but they also make handsets.

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第四集中这些长得像虫子的生物能够在渡渡鸟体内大量滋生。In Episode Four these worm-like creatures were shown to specialise in infesting dodos.

年近半百,萨老却决定为保持学术竞争力,他必须专攻。Yet he decided at around 50 that to remain academically competitive he had to specialise.

马丁毕晓普是一组专门探讨安定测试系统的工程师的组长。Martin Bishop is the head of a group of experts who specialise in testing security systems.

我取得了学位,成为了一名治疗师,并且决定专攻电视节目善后辅导。Since gaining my degree and working as a therapist, I've decided to specialise in TV aftercare.

许多酒吧现在已有专设“单身情人节夜”派队——准备就绪,立刻上场吧!Many clubs now specialise in single Valentine's nights -so make the most of it and play the field.

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我们主营中型发电机,但是我们希望我们明年能够涉足大型产品,使产品多样化。We specialise in medium-sized generators but we're hoping to diversify into larger models next year.

在当前的研究中,科学家已经洞悉了三个基因的专门功能。In the current study, they have gained insight into the function of three genes in which they specialise.

我们的产品包括餐桌椅、休闲茶几、吧台等。We specialise in all kinds of furniture including dinning tables, dinning chairs, coffee table and so on.

我们擅长于发酵和从放线菌、细菌和真菌中分离稀有的代谢产物。We specialise in the fermentation and isolation of rare metabolites from actinomycetes , bacteria and fungi.

这是因为全球经济一体化让低收入国家可以从事劳动密集型产业。This is because a globally integrated economy allows low-wage countries to specialise in labour- intensive tasks.

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重新活跃的一个英国的工作室在整合谁交互式视频,广播,专业设计和商业决策。Re-active are a UK based studio who specialise in integrating interactive video, broadcast, design and commercial making.

得知贵公司专门经营轻工业品,我们愿意与贵公司建立业务关系。When we know your part specialise product light industrial products, we would like to set up business relationship with you.

她说乘飞机时隔壁座位的旅客是两位茶商,他们的名字是丽安和洛克,他们是“白茶”专家。She said she was sitting next to some tea farmers on the plane. Their names were Lian and Lok and they specialise in white tea.