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早上好,这里是康柏公司。Good morning. This is Compaq.

惠普公司完成了其与康柏电脑公司的合并。HP completes its merger transaction with Compaq Computer Corp.

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我依然对一台2002年购买的劣质Compaq笔记本心存极大的怨念。I'm still holding agrudge over a bum Compaq laptop I bought in 2002.

在广告中描写了一个在连锁店里的没有头脑的销售员,用此来尖锐地攻击康柏。Compaq in ads that depicted an empty-headed sales guy in a chain store.

然后微软公司的引荐使得它为康柏公司设计早期的PDA。Then an introduction from Microsoft led to its design of an early PDA for Compaq.

康柏电脑总公司始创于1982年德州休斯顿的一家馅饼店中的一次会晤之后。Compaq Computer Corporation was formed after a 1982 meeting in a Houston, Texas, pie shop.

我当时的东家康柏公司是当时全球最大的个人电脑生产商。My employer at the time, Compaq Computer, was the largest personal computer company in the world.

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从古老的奔III康柏刀片服务器,8路的至强,安腾和Opteron体系,到最新的POWER6。From older Pentium III Compaq blade servers, 8-way Xeon, Itanium and Opteron systems, to the latest POWER6.

像戴尔、惠普、康柏和IBM这样的硬件制造商还在为不兼容的系统而斗得你死我活呢。Hardware manufacturers like Dell, Hewlett Packard, Compaq and IBM would still be battling it out with incompatible systems.

2001年,公司买下康柏电脑,在个人电脑与伺服器两个市场激起涟漪,其他公司因此争相扩张,以与惠普一较短长。It bought Compaq Computer in 2001, which affected both the PC and server markets as other companies fought to expand and match H. P. 's reach.

出于纯粹理性的收益与成本的考虑,我应该留在Compaq,而且我的朋友们也认为我应该留在Compaq。Any purely rational consideration of cost and benefits lined up in Compaq's favor, and the people who knew me best advised me to stay at Compaq.

相对很少有人知道这位阿拉巴马出生的执行官,他之前曾是Nike董事会一员并在计算机巨头康柏公司工作过。Relatively little is known about the Alabama-born executive, who also serves on the board of Nike and previously worked at computer giant Compaq.

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卡利,菲奥里纳曾经被誉为惠普公司的救星,但她现在也遭到批评。人们指责她在兼并康柏电脑公司时浪费了太多的时间和精力。Carly Fiorina, once heralded as Hewlett-Packnard's savior, is facing criticism that she wasted too much time and effort on acquiring Compaq Computer.

一些网上商家,包括戴尔、康宝和惠普,每天都会产生优惠码——有些是当日到期,还有的有效期更长。Several online merchants, including DELL, Compaq and HP, generate coupon codes daily -- some with same-day expiration dates, others with longer timeframes.

赛马比赛在当地的费尔格斯赛马场举行,而每年当地的高尔夫俱乐部都能吸引到众多高尔夫爱好者来这里参加新奥尔良康柏精英赛。Horse racing is held at the local Fair Grounds Race Course, while golfers are attracted every year to the Compaq Classic of New Orleans tournament held at one of the local golf clubs.

它的处理器及操作系统和今天哪怕是最简单的智能手机相比较都相形见绌,但是它为以后更成功的便携式电脑打下了基础,包括Kaypro和第一台康柏笔记本电脑。While its processor and operating system pale in comparison with the humblest smartphone today, it set the stage for later, more successful portables, from the Kaypro to the first Compaq laptop.

从西欧到远东,康柏公司跟各国政府和教育机构展开了合作,目的就是改进对信息技术的利用,并将互联网技术应用于教育发展。From Western Europe to the Far East, Compaq is working with governments and educators to help improve access to information technology and to incorporate the Internet into the educational process.