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她是我们的数学教师。She's our maths teacher.

他的数学比我学得好。He surpassed me in maths.

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数学是她最擅长的课目。Maths is her best subject.

她数学考试不及格。She failes the maths exam.

他是第十九中学的数学教师。He's a maths teacher in the No.

你在数学方面确实比我强。You are really above me in maths.

你什么时候去补考数学?When are you going to resit maths?

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她在数学课目上取得了很大进步。She made a great progress in maths.

没人能解出这道数学题。No one can solve this maths problem.

这是关于数学的一些奇怪的事。That’s the strange thing about maths.

他经常鼓励我学数学。He often encourages me to study maths.

我一解数学题就头痛。I become headache with maths problems.

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我现在正思考一道数学题。Now I'm thinking about a Maths problem.

这道数学题花了我两个小时。I spent two hours on this maths problem.

对于玩高尔夫球来说,他是一个笨蛋。I was always a bit of a duffer at maths.

我英语学得很好,但数学学得很糟。I did well in English but badly in maths.

她下学期得补考数学。She has to resit her maths exam next term.

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好,让我们开始数学推导。OK, let's just turn the crank on the maths.

我们数学教师能把他的课上得生动有趣。Our maths teacher can make his classes fun.

我们周一有英语课、数学课和体育课。We have English, Maths and P. E. on Monday.