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桑是蚕业生产的基础。Mulberry is the base of sericulture production.

这项活动主要是对养蚕人家所说的。This activity mainly for sericulture others said.

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我国的养蚕业比其他国家先进。Our sericulture is in advance of that of other countries.

家蚕种质资源是改进养蚕业和丝绸业的物质基础。Silkworm germplasm resources are the bases to develop sericulture.

宋代是我国历史上蚕桑业较为发达的时期。Song Dynasty was a much more flourishing period for sericulture in history.

商朝时发现了青铜,开始学会养蚕。The Shang dynasty saw the discovery of bronze and the practice of sericulture.

西方近代化蚕学理论和养蚕技术于晚清传入中国。Western modern sericulture was introduced into China in the late Qing Dynasty.

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认清蚕文化的价值是振兴当代蚕业经济的基础。The value of the sericulture culture is the base of sericulture economy of modern days.

夏明德发现这个悖论的关键是,女人是养蚕的主要劳动力。The key to this paradox, Bell finds, is that women supplied most of the labor in sericulture.

阿拉伯人凭借逐渐扩大的征服而把养蚕业传播到整个中海沿岸。The Arabs, with their widening conquests, spread sericulture across the shores of the Mediterranean.

近年来,四川蚕业在困难中发展,在曲折中前进。In recent years, Sichuan sericulture development during difficult times, in the twists and turns ahead.

蚕茧是蚕桑丝绸生产的一部分,当这个过程开始的时候,最终的产物就是丝绸织物。Cocoon is a part of sericulture process or silk production and its output is silk fabric when processed.

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这项活动甚至得到了在该林区的禁区中从事养蚕业的政府许可。This enterprise has even gained the government's permission for sericulture in forbidden parts of the forest.

蚕业产业化经营是社会主义市场经济发展的要求,是蚕丝业可持续发展的需要。Industrialized management of sericulture is the requirement from the development of the market economy of socialism.

欧洲危机之后,日本养蚕业的现代化使其成为了世界上最重要的丝绸生产国。Following the crisis in Europe, the modernization of sericulture in Japan made it the world's foremost silk producer.

文章为蚕业生产提供了一种实用的克卵粒数偏差控制方法。It provided a practical of the deviation control method to the number of eggs per gram for sericulture in this paper.

随着越来越多的农民选择了蚕茧生产,所以政府统一对农民进行了蚕桑生产的教育。With more number of farmers choosing cocoon production, it has resulted in educating farmers about sericulture output.

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养蚕、缫丝、织绸是我国先民对世界纺织服装发展作出的杰出贡献。Sericulture and silk reeling, the wife of our ancestors in the world textile and apparel made outstanding contributions.

蚕桑产业的发展趋势,将对全球茧丝绸生产与贸易发生重大影响。The development tendency of sericulture industry in China will have profound impact in global silk production and trade.

相比于其他能从事的家庭产业,比如织布,养蚕能够获得较高的回报。Compared to other domestic industries they could engage in, such as cotton weaving, sericulture brought superior returns.