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你做你的作业,我在这等一会儿。Just goon with your home work.

被称为“不走运的天才打手”。Talent goon who is not in luck by named.

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他和另外一个暴徒开始毒打我。He and the other goon began to beat me up.

如果时间允许,这个星期天我会跟你去野餐。If time permits, Ill goon a picnic with you this Sunday.

当他向前地踏的时候,呆子抓取了他的手臂而且拉了他。As he stepped forward, the goon grabbed his arm and pulled him.

因为拜纳姆是人才,我不希望认为,他的命运将会演变成个曲棍球呆子。Because as talented as Bynum is, I'd hate to think his destiny is to end up a hockey goon.

有这大一大堆工作要做,夜里睡得又少,我看我是撑不了多久啦。What with all this work and so little sleep at night, I don't think I can goon much longer.

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日语中的音读汉字构成了大量汉语复合词,读音以吴音和汉音为主。With goon or kanon pronunciations, onyomi-kanji in Japanese form a large number of kango compounds.

日语中的音读汉字构成了大量汉语复合词,读音以吴音和汉音为主。With goon or kanon pronunciation s, onyomi-kanji in Japanese form a large number of kango compounds.

詹妮弗Egan的著作“从Goon的访队”以13个章节四十多年的地方。Jennifer Egan's book "A Visit from the Goon Squad" takes place in thirteen chapters over forty years.

我明显感觉到你是一个受雇的枪手,目的就是要掩盖真相。Doc Mudd I get the distinct impression you are a hired goon intent on not seeing the truth of the matter.

我明显觉得到你是一个受雇的枪手,目的就是要掩盖真相。Doc Mudd I get the distinct impression you are a definite hired goon intent on not seeing the truth of the matter.

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或者保证他们不会依靠私家暴徒蹂躏当地居民以达标?Or that they don't rely on their own private goon squads to brutalize local residents into meeting whatever targets have been set?

某个走运的宇航局呆子收到他的信息后,再把它贴到Twitter上,这样我们所有的人都可以在网络上看到它了。Some lucky Nasa goon then gets to pick up his message and paste it into Twitter, where it becomes visible for all of us on the internet.

秋天是我最喜爱的季节。我会继续感受秋天。秋天也让我对于珍惜现在所拥有的有一个更加深刻的理解。Autumn is my favorite season and I will goon to feel autumn. Autumn also makes me have a deeper understanding ofcherishing everything that I have now.

如果他说的是对的,我百分百肯定他还没有遇见过一个中国人。因为他的鼻子还好端端的张在他脸上,也没有“暴民”来踢他的屁股。If he was right, I am 100 percent sure that he hadn't met even one single Chinese man, because his nose is still on his face and no "goon" has kicked his ass.

当她得知自己被判终身监禁后,她宣布说自己怀孕了,法庭决定允许她服缓刑,人民日报网站报道。When she learned that she faced jail timeshe announced that she was pregnant, and the court decided to allow her to goon probation, The People's Daily Online reported.

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包括撒策姆,公安部门,保险公司以及安全技术公司的这样一个群体已经为体系开发出了一个标准,将比顾客所预期的更早地被很快推广到市场上。A group that includes Thatcham, the police, insurance companies and security technology firms have developed standards for a system that could goon the market sooner than the 15 customer expects.