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佩里对女声乐歌手很着迷。Perry is very fond of female vocalists.

他告诉佩里,他们已决定把我交易到菲尼克斯。He told Perry they had a deal to trade me to Phoenix.

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佩里告诉我,科尔先生从来不沾麦芽酒。Perry tells me that Mr. Cole never touches malt liquor.

唯一的例外是弗雷德佩里和本谢尔曼波洛斯。The only exception is Fred Perry and Ben Sherman polos.

约翰想要报打网球输给派瑞的仇。John wants revenge for-losing the tennis match to Perry.

凯蒂·佩里想和丈夫拉塞尔·布兰德生个孩子。Katy Perry wants to have new hubby Russell Brand's babies.

然而我们家地势很高,而佩里广场汽车旅馆处于其下面的平地。Our house was on a hill. Perry Plaza was on flat land below.

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佩里·科摩是美国最受欢迎的声乐家吗?And is Perry Como one of the most American popular vocalists ?

在2005年结阴沉佩里公布他的名字命名的独唱。In 2005, guitarist Joe Perry released his eponymous solo album.

我要去交付我的账单了,佩里说道,尤其是油钱。"I'm gonna pay my bills, " Perry says, "especially the oil bills! "

然而,德州的侵权法改革则全要归功于裴瑞。Mr Perry can take full credit, however, for the state's tort reform.

弗莱德·派瑞在1936年的美国公开赛夺取冠军,也是最近一个夺得大满贯冠军的英国选手。Fred Perry was the last British man to win a major at the 1936 US Open.

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就象雷布朗一样,派瑞的爱情生活也是喜忧参半。Like his co-star LeBlanc, Perry has something of a chequered love life.

我们是恩尼斯佩里创意,一个充满活力的团队创意专业人士。We are Ennis & Perry Creative, a dynamic team of creative professionals.

不过眼下,哈里森佩里贾里德们顶替得相当不错。But for now, Harrison and Perry and Jared offer a pretty good substitute.

还有一次,佩里遇到了一个从教堂出来的男人,对他进行性骚扰。At another point, Perry wrote about a man from church who had molested him.

在很多课堂上,佩里可能都被认为是个捣蛋鬼。In many classrooms, Perry might simply have been regarded as a troublemaker.

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培理叩关在哪些方面是德川幕府晚期历史的转捩点?In what ways was the coming of Perry a turning point in late Tokugawa history?

喜剧家拉塞尔.布兰当和流行歌手凯蒂.佩里在印度西北部结婚。Comedian Russell Brand and pop star Katy Perry have married in northwestern India.

恩尼斯和佩里是一个多学科的设计工作室建立在知识和专长。Ennis & Perry is a multidisciplinary design studio built on knowledge and expertise.