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的值是1,Y是2,X,is,1,,Y,is,2。,好的,它是起作用的。X Okay. It worked.

现在是一个占位符。,X,is,now,placeholder。,我放置在哪里呢?X What do I place?

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这就是x-t图That is x versus t.

我们先称他X先生。We'll call him Mr. X.

你知道无名氏是谁吗?You know who Mr. X is?

因此我能解出X的值So I can solve out for X.

我需要很多个引号,好。Where x and y are floats.

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方向的分力。,the,y,component。,这是x方向的。y This is the x component.

我是X公司的鲍勃·琼斯。I'm Bob Jones of X Company.

这是x,CS2,或。xB And this is x CS2, or xB.

你挖到了神秘先生的什么消息?What did you dig up on Mr. X?

现在我把X赋值为。I now assign X the value of 1.

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好了这就是给x加1。OK. So it's just adding 1 to x.

好,如果x是负的呢?Right. X is negative. X is -16.

在使用X光检查之前,他们还说不上来。They can't tell till they X ray.

现在就变成一个关于x和y的方程了。It becomes a function of x and y.

横坐标X轴是“内容点”的集合。X is the sum of "content points".

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在X所设定的本位币为人民币。The base currency set in X is RMB.

我没把x赋值为500?好,ANS为。X stays the same. 4 squared is 16.

你只需换一下x和y的角色。You just exchange roles of x and y.