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未满18岁者无资格领取补助金。Any person under the age of 18 is ineligible for benefit.

来自政党和政治行动委员会的捐款不能得到匹配资金。Contributions from parties and PACs are ineligible for matching.

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那么是否这就使老虎没有资格成为2008年奥运会吉祥物了呢?Does this make the tiger ineligible for use in the 2008 Beijing Olympics?

假如你服用类固醇,你就失去运动竞赛的资格。If you take steroids, you are ineligible to compete in sports competitions.

派遣无资格的球员上场比赛,其后果可见下文第3点The consequences of fielding an ineligible player are described underpoint 3 below.

投标有效期不满足要求的投标将被视为非响应性投标而予以拒绝。Tenders with an ineligible valid period shall be rejected as non-responsive tenders.

任何法庭或执照注册机构都不能判该记者没有资格从事新闻工作。No court or licensing board could rule that reporter ineligible to practice journalism.

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他作为一个成年人被拘捕,但是因为年龄并不会被处以死刑。He has been charged as an adult, but would be ineligible for the death penalty due to his age.

NCAA在2011年取消坎特的资格,因其与费内巴切对比赛中接受了现金。The NCAA ruled Kanter ineligible in 2011 after he accepted cash while playing with Fenerbahce.

您输入的促销代码是无效的,过期,或为你所购买的物品不符合资格。The promo code you entered is invalid, expired, or ineligible for the items you are purchasing.

库依特还没有资格代表利物浦参加下周在基辅与海法马卡比的欧冠资格赛。Kuyt is ineligible for Liverpool's Champions League qualifier against Maccabi Haifa in Kiev next week.

当然,请注意如果你的帐号上线时间少于七个礼拜是没有进入事件服务器的资格的。Also, please note that accounts active for less than seven weeks are ineligible for event-realm access.

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但后来证实,这位12岁的选手实际上要大两岁,也就没有参加少年联赛的资格。But the 12-year-old phenom turned out to be two years older, making him ineligible for Little League play.

申请者必须是英国本土出生,但此前有过非法黑客攻击行为的不具备此资格。Applicants must be British-born citizens but anyone who has previously illegally hacked would be ineligible.

这也不适合于刚诊断出心脏衰竭或者有严重心脏衰竭症状的病人。Patients with a recent diagnosis of heart failure or those with severe symptoms of heart failure are also ineligible.

作为一个还没出嫁女儿,我和父母住在一起,因为没结婚的人没法分到房子。As a yet-to-be-betrothed daughter, I lived with my parents, because an unmarried person was ineligible for an apartment.

由于无法获得“计划分配”的消费者持续增长的需求,黑市物价将进一步膨胀。Black-market prices will be further inflated by rising demand by consumers ineligible for "in-plan allocations" of input.

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国际奥委会于周日宣布取消希腊短跑运动员卡特里娜萨努参加北京奥运会的资格。Greek sprinter Katerina Thanou was declared ineligible for the Beijing Games on Sunday by the International Olympic Committee.

2008年以来,美联储提前给一些信用没达标的公司贷款,并拿刚印出来的钞票购买政府债券。Since 2008 the Fed has lent to firms previously ineligible for its credit and bought up government bonds with newly printed money.

这家租车行在2001年12月──距那一年斋月结束只有八天时──将努尔解雇,而且宣布她没有资格再被雇用。The company fired Nur in December 2001 -- only eight days before Ramadan ended that year -- and declared her ineligible for rehire.