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如果不及时治疗,内脏利什曼病通常是致命的。If left untreated, visceral leishmaniasis is usually fatal.

利什曼病是通过一种沙蝇的咬伤而传播的。Leishmaniasis is transmitted by the bite of certain sand flies.

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利什曼病经感染的白蛉叮咬传播。Leishmaniasis is transmitted by the bite of an infected sandfly.

利什曼病可通过白蛉传播和共用针头传播。Leishmaniasis is transmitted by sandflies and possibly through sharing needles.

本文就内脏利什曼病药物治疗研究进展作扼要综述。This article reviews the development on drug treatment for Visceral leishmaniasis.

目前,人源型黑热病除新疆流行区外,在其他流行区已得到控制。At present, anthroponotic visceral leishmaniasis has been controlled in most areas except Xinjiang.

DNA还显示图特王可能并未患过黑死病、肺结核、麻风病及黑热病。DNA also shows that Tut was probably spared bubonic plague, tuberculosis, leprosy or leishmaniasis.

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利什曼病的病原体是利什曼原虫,它由白蛉等昆虫的叮咬传播。Leishmaniasis is caused by the Leishmania parasite and transmitted by biting insects such as sand flies.

原虫疾病,如弓形体病、微孢子原虫疾病、隐孢子虫病、等孢球虫病、和利什曼病Protozoal diseases such as toxoplasmosis, microsporidiosis, cryptosporidiosis, isopsoriasis and leishmaniasis

利什曼病是由白蛉传播的人犬共患病,疾病影响皮肤和内脏。Leishmaniasis is spread by the sandfly, and in the dog as well as human has both cutaneous and visceral forms.

对控制疟疾、南美锥虫病、内脏利什曼病和其它热带疾病产生了重大、积极的影响。had a major impact on the control of malaria, Chagas disease, visceral leishmaniasis and other tropical diseases.

保虫宿主——家犬,是我国山丘疫区内脏利什曼病的重要传染源。The reservoir host, domestic dog, plays an important role as the infection source of leishmaniasis in the hilly foci of China.

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利什曼病是一种由寄生虫引起的疾病,会在脸上留下严重的疤痕。Leishmaniasis is a disease caused by a parasite transmitted by a tiny sandfly that can lead to severe scarring often on the face.

这些矿工冒着得疟疾和矽肺病以及一些其他疾病的高风险,一次要工作六天每天工作12小时。Artisanal miners face high risks of malaria, leishmaniasis and other diseases, while working 12-hour shifts for six days at a time.

他说,把注意力集中在有限的基因上,将“有希望加速新的利什曼病疗法的开发”。Having a limited repertoire of genes to focus on will "hopefully speed up the development of new therapies for leishmaniasis", he says.

科学家展示了可以导致热带地区疾病黑热病的食肉寄生虫如何骗过免疫系统。Scientists have shown how flesh-eating parasites responsible for the disfiguring tropical disease leishmaniasis dupe the immune system.

该药用于治疗致命的寄生虫病内脏利什曼病,又称黑热病,它是由白蛉叮咬传播的。This is used for the deadly parasitic disease known as visceral leishmaniasis — or black fever — that is spread by the bite of the sandfly.

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最后,他们容易受到寄生虫感染,特别是一种可怕的疾病称为黑热病又称内脏利什曼病。"Finally they are susceptible to parasitic infections especially a terrible disease called Kala-azar, otherwise known as visceral leishmaniasis. "Dr.

利什曼病常见的形式是在鼻子,嘴和喉咙周围产生损害变形或皮肤溃疡导致永久疤痕病变。In its more common forms, leishmaniasis can produce disfiguring lesions around the nose, mouth and throat, or skin ulcers leading to permanent scarring.

随着本世纪厄尔尼诺现象的频率和强度因气候变化而增加,利什曼病的发病率将在巴西很多地区上升。With the expected increase of El Niño frequency and intensity in this century due to climate change, the number of leishmaniasis cases is likely to rise in many Brazilian regions.