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这会损坏他们的发剪。It would damage their shears.

他用园艺大剪刀修剪树篱。He cut the hedge with garden shears.

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这些动词均有“切、砍”之意。I'll chop off your feet with these shears.

这把大剪刀不够锋利,剪不动草。The shears aren't sharp enough to cut the grass.

这把大剪刀还不够锋利,不能用来修剪草坪。The shears are not sharp enough to cut the grass.

他正用一把大剪刀剪树枝。He is cutting the branch es with a pair of shears.

可以作震动切割机或震动剪切机。It can be oscillating cutter or oscillating shears.

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如何使用好连铸液压剪,特别应引起注意的几个方面。Pay attention to how to use well the hydraulic shears.

他用大剪刀几下子就把灌木给修剪好了。With a few quick snips of the shears he pruned the bush.

为了使灌木丛长得更好一些,园林工人把灌木的冗枝剪掉。With a few quick snips of the shears he pruned the bush.

他正在用一把大剪子剪开铝制平底锅。He was cutting apart aluminum pans with a pair of shears.

政治家剪羊毛,政客则连羊皮也剥掉。The statesman shears the sheep, the politician skins them.

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而如今,键盘和鼠标不过是新的犁和剪刀。Nowadays, keyboards and mice are the new ploughs and shears.

记住,我们厨房有可以剪断骨头的大剪刀。Remember, we have shears that cut through bone in the kitchen.

如果你是一个培养宠物,你可以使用剪刀细化这个工作。If you are grooming a pet, you can use the thinning shears for this job.

部分颈部以下的耳朵可以装饰间伐剪。The part of the neck below the ears can be trimmed with thinning shears.

我来还你的割草机,你的耙子、树篱剪刀,还有你的水龙带。I'm returning your lawn mower, your rake, your hedge shears and your hose.

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我来还你的割草机,你的耙子、树篱剪刀,还有你的水龙带。I'm returning your lawn mower , your rake , your hedge shears and your hose.

凯萨琳跑去拿了一些园艺大剪刀来,她会剪断那些花吗?Kathleen runs and grabs some garden shears . Does she try to cut the flowers?

旋转木马排练完后,疲倦的机修工用剪刀和矛补葺了齿轮装置。After the rehearsal, the weary mechanicrepaired the gears with shears and spear.