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但现在这一切都处于危险之中。All of this is now in jeopardy.

他还说自己的人身安全处于险境。He also said his personal safety was in jeopardy.

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蒯因的攻击似乎令这一事业陷入了困境。Quine's attack seemed to put this project in jeopardy.

他的愚蠢行为可能会危及他的整个前程。His foolish behaviour may put his whole future in jeopardy.

津尼说维基解密的行为让人们陷入危险。Zinni says the action by WikiLeaks places lives in jeopardy.

乔纳森警告杰克,如果他被阻止了,杰克的家人就危险了。Jonathan warns him that his family is in jeopardy if he is stopped.

可是有机食物很受欢迎,它的代价系统也危如累卵。But organic food is so popular that its value system is in jeopardy.

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但是有机食品很受欢迎,它的价值体系也岌岌可危。But organic food is so popular that its value system is in jeopardy.

如果你去餐馆吃饭后打了包,然后又停下去看电影,那么你再吃那些打包了的残羹剩菜是对你健康有不利的。If you stop for a movie after the meal, your health may be in jeopardy.

在美国社会里,杰帕迪的主题音乐已经成了智力竞赛的标志。The theme music from Jeopardy has become a symbol of thinking or thought.

这名政客因收贿怕被抓而危及他的政治生涯。The politician put his career in jeopardy by getting caught accepting bribes.

欧康诺警告称马达加斯加珍贵的自然实验室正处于危险的境地。O'Connor warned that Madagascar's priceless natural laboratory was in jeopardy.

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显然,这些人,最终成为了这场危险权利竞争的胜利者And these, of course, turn out to be the winners of the Jeopardy contest playoffs.

该公司生产部门开展了“安全知识抢答赛”活动。The company's production department launched the "Safety, jeopardy game" activities.

它是否表明英国历史和遗产,还有那些荣耀都处在危机中?Does it suggest that England's history and its heritage and its honor are in jeopardy?

对于刘易斯与潘迪特何者职位不保风险较大,分析师与投资者意见分歧.Analysts and investors are split over whether Lewis' or Pandit's job is most in jeopardy.

但是在该段视频当中,使用辣椒水的官员并未处于危险中。But in this video, the officer deploying the pepper spray does not appear to be in jeopardy.

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第一章国内外关于触电致人损害赔偿制度概述。The first chapter is an outline of compensation system in high jeopardy task home and abroad.

是否碳污染使我们生存的星球危如累卵,也不用再争论。There is no longer a debate about whether carbon pollution is placing our planet in jeopardy.

所有圣经启示的圣约都含有所应许之福分和所警告的危难。All the covenants revealed in Scripture contain both promised blessing and threatened jeopardy.