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年薪六千美元!Six thousand a year!

有一千个刎。There are a thousand.

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他是百里挑一的人。He is one in a thousand.

牛七万二千头。Seventy-two thousand oxen.

每天一万千瓦小时。Ten thousand KWH each day.

超过两万八千人。Over twenty-eight thousand.

六七千的吧。Six to seven thousand Yuan.

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以千百丛火焰锤链。Forged by a thousand flames.

给我一千块我都要。I mean, I'd take a thousand.

我的意思是说,我会拿一千块。I mean, I'd take a thousand.

没有,没有,再说一千次也是没有。No, no, a thousand times no.

以千百道波浪磨亮。Polished by a thousand waves.

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是千条火蛇。The Thousand Tongues of Fire.

爬过五千年的沟沟坎坎Climb over five thousand years

十四或者一万四。Fourteen or fourteen thousand.

他一直表现很好。He has been bating a thousand.

一千法郎,先生。One thousand francs, monsieur.

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尽管是相距千万里。Though were ten thousand mile.

一次演出要一万美元。At ten thousand dollars a show.

一套西装差不多1000美元以下。Suits under a thousand dollars.