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老板责骂那些懒惰的工人。The boss jawed the lazy workers.

一位名叫贾韦德.艾哈迈德的店主目睹了那次袭击。Shopkeeper Jawed Ahmad was nearby.

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那两位妇女唠叨了一整天有关她们孩子的事。The two women jawed together all day about their children.

大多数孩子张口结舌,在面具和化妆下大口喘息,不知道该相信什么才好。Most of the slack- jawed kids gaped through their masks and makeup, not quite knowing what to believe.

两人花岗岩贾韦德,清醒适合,体育丝轮辋,并散发一个正式的,有尊严的方式。Both men were granite- jawed , sober-suited, sporting wire-rims, and exuding a formal, dignified manner.

“对于白色肤质,外国人的肤质抑或发质,我们总怀有一种情结,”贾维德•哈比卜称。We always have a complex towards a white skin, towards foreign skin or foreign hair, " Jawed Habib says."

我从眼角里瞅见菲尔,他脸色苍白,半张着嘴,眼睛瞪得大大的,又是惊讶又是崇敬。From the corner of my eye, I saw Phil, pale, slack- jawed , eyes wide with amazement and adoration combined.

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无论何时我对一个男的说这种话,他通常都是呆呆地盯着我,就像我在说外国语言似的。Whenever I say this to a guy, he will generally stare at me, slack jawed , as if I were speaking some foreign language.

哈比布这个青少年以轮椅代步,在奥斯陆举行的两天签约会议中面见阿富汗驻挪威大使鲁定。The teen, who uses a wheelchair, met with his country's ambassador to Norway, Jawed Ludin, at a two-day signing conference in Oslo.

连锁店老板贾维德•哈比卜说消费者有所需,他就供其所需,他不会去强销美肤洁白产品。Salon owner Jawed Habib says he will accommodate if that is what the customer wants, but he doesn't push the skin whitening products.

在有腭脊椎动物中,此系统还有第二系统辅助,即一般所称之适应性免疫,其包含免疫细胞与器官形成的特殊防御网络。In jawed vertebrates, this system is supplemented with a second system, known as adaptive immunity, which involves a specialized network of immune cells and organs.

早春四月,一位有着方下巴的、名叫艾略特·斯皮策的改革者对美林公司已显劣迹的声名展开—了海神式的强力调查,并使其陷入一场岌岌可危的危机之中。In early April, a square jawed reformer named Eliot Spitzer shook with Poseidon-like force at Merrill Lynch's rickety reputation for research and left it in shambles.

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这六位候选人比真正的候选人更为优秀,因为他们在讲台上宣讲他们的政策,对要做的事情有自己的见解。"These six candidates are better than the real candidates because they talk about platforms and have a vision for what needs to be done, " says presenter Jawed Jurat.