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一个坐在高脚凳上的男人打了和他一起的女人一巴掌。MAN on a barstool SLAPS the WOMAN he's with.

家具。餐台,餐椅,茶几,吧椅。FURNITURE. dining table, dining chair, coffee table, barstool.

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他的狗立即跳起来,绕着酒吧的高脚椅转了35圈。The man's dog jumps up, and runs around the barstool 35 times.

我要求你最迟不超过八点三十分就得回到这个凳子上。I want you back here on this barstool at no later than eight thirty.

如果有人进来了,替我敲一下高脚椅,我去拿些石灰粉。Anyone else comes in bang the barstool for me. I got to get some lime.

如果有人进来了,替我敲一下高脚椅,我去拿些石灰粉。Anyone else comes in, bang the barstool for me.I got to get some lime.

餐厅通向厨房和酒吧高脚凳座位一个岛。The dining room opens into the kitchen and has an island with barstool seating.

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夜渐渐深了,他开始歪向一边,最终从吧台高脚凳上掉了下来。As the night wore on, he slumped to one side and eventually toppled off his barstool.

两个家伙出去喝酒,他们当中的一个从酒吧的高脚凳上摔了下来,躺在了地板上一动也不动。Two guys are out drinking when one of them falls off his barstool and lies motionless on the floor.

我为模特坐的位置调整灯光,我用了一个从公司厨房找到的高脚凳作为椅子。I adjusted the lights from the position of the model. I used a barstool that I found in the company kitchen as a posing stool.

那个小个子双腿弯曲着坐在吧椅里,克斯特亚可以看到他的袜子破了个洞,露出里面苍白无毛的皮肤。The smaller gangster was seated on his barstool with his legs bent, and Kostya could see holes in his socks, exposing white, hairless skin.