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房间布置得很美观。The room is artistically decorated.

你有发觉这个角色在艺术上令你满足吗?Do you find this role artistically satisfying?

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汤姆巧妙地把刷子刷来刷去。Tom swept his brush artistically back and forth.

沙劳用很多艺术的方式表达了他自己。Shallal expresses himself artistically in many ways.

这是种你在艺术上完全不接受的东西。It is something you don't at all artistically accept.

这与莫顿层层推进的爵士乐的基本要义毫无艺术上的匹配之处。It is no match artistically for Morton's propulsive meat-and-potatoes jazz.

汉俑形体虽小,但其造型艺术比秦俑有了很大的提高。Though much smaller in size, Han Dynasty figurines are artistically better.

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但无论道德上,还是艺术上,劳伦斯的描述不止于此。But Lawrence's statement implies far more than this, both morally and artistically.

每种元素都需要适当照亮,以便艺术地突出设计和功能。Each element needs to be properly lit to accentuate the design and function artistically.

从来没有人质疑过她在艺术上是否仍在状态中的问题,因为她的那种天赋从来没有消失过。It was never a question of her being artistically ready—a gift like that doesn’t disappear.

开幕式有种威严和艺术上的庄严感。真想亲自到现场去看。The opening ceremony was dignified and artistically majestic -I wish I were there to see it in person.

到目前为止,最好的索具类,我曾经拍摄。贾德知道他的东西,无论在技术上和艺术。By far the best rigging class I have ever taken. Judd knows his stuff, both technically and artistically.

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黄自先生的作品主要是声乐,他的抒情歌曲是他全部创作中特别有艺术价值的部分。Huangzi's composition is mainly about vocalists, of which his lyric songs are most artistically valuable.

正是如此建构,才使甲骨文这一书体富于艺术之美,具有无比的震撼力。It is just these structures that make oracle beautiful artistically with a incomparable earthshaking force.

首先,二李词都具有高度的艺术概括性。这种概括性表现为拓开了词的时空跨度与容量。Firstly, both of their poems are artistically generalized in that words' span of time and space is expanded.

从某些方面看,这个门类从来没有像现在这么兴旺,无论从商业还是从艺术上说都是如此。In some ways, the science fiction genre has never been in better shape, either commercially or artistically.

您是如何在创作的百忙之中,抽出时间来临幸那么多女性呢?How are you able to be incredibly productive artistically and still find time to go to bed with so many women?

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锦麟天地提供90个住宅单位及106个服务式住宅,每一套都是奢华艺术的体现。Jinlin Tiandi offers 90 residential units and 106 service apartments, which are luxuriously and artistically fitted.

有效、艺术地运用教学强化,有利于教学过程的更好完成。Efficiently and artistically strengthening teaching is helpful to the better complement of teaching-learning process.

台湾的中小学艺术资优教育能善尽美术资优人才的培育任务吗?Can Taiwan's elementary and middle schools do their duty in developing the potential of artistically talented students?