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万圣节快乐!Happy Halloween Debby.

桑迪比黛比小。Sandy's younger than Debby.

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你知道这可是很紧急的。Debby , You know this is quite urgent.

黛比很喜欢马,所以她想在过生日的时候骑马。Debby loves horses, so she wants to go riding for her birthday.

戴比处境困难,但还没到极点。Debby is in low water,but he has not been completely down and out yet.

我来介绍我自己,我名叫蓝黛比,我是郁金香贸易公司的副总裁。I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Debby Lang, and I'm vice president of Tulip Trading.

妈妈,下周末我们要给戴比开一个生日会,我想买一件新衣服,我们到市中心的商场看看好吗?Mom, we are gonna have a birthday party for Debby next weekend, and I need a new dress, can we go downtown and look in the malls?

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巨大的成功是有16个幸运球迷,在4人型城市旅游的意大利日期的黛比主动约见东京酒店,!Great success is having the deBBY initiative to meet Tokio Hotel, for 16 lucky fans during the 4 Italian dates of Humanoid City Tour!

热带风暴黛比袭击美国佛罗里达州,造成局部地区爆发洪灾,佛州州长宣布全州进入紧急状态。Tropical Storm Debby has drenched the US state of Florida, bringing flooding to parts and leading the governor to declare a statewide emergency.

选择张曼华领导上海集团对我们来说是个轻而易举的决定,身心皆奥美的她了解上海奥美运营的方方面面。Choosing Debby to lead the Group in Shanghai was a very easy decision for us. Debby is an Ogilvyer in heart and soul and she knows the ins and outs of our Shanghai operation.