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我们的开释率是法国的八倍。Our incarceration rate is eight times that of France.

不管从什么角度来看,监禁在美国的执行都是失败的。Incarceration in America is a failure by almost any measure.

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法官还引用了他妻子丽亚入狱的例子。The judge also cited the incarceration of Mr. Fastow's wife, Lea.

法官还引用了他妻子丽亚入狱的例子。Thee judge also cited the incarceration of Mr. Fastow's wife, Lea.

结果,美国的入狱率自1970年以来上涨了四倍。As a result, America’s incarceration rate has quadrupled since 1970.

监禁他们的费用远比法院系统节约的费用要高得多。Their incarceration adds costs far greater than the alleged savings in the court system.

比起其他种类的疝气来说,闭孔疝气有更高机率造成坏死性肠嵌塞及死亡。It has a higher incidence of incarceration and mortality rate than other types of hernias.

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一开始一切都很正常,可是到了第二天,“囚犯”们对于被监禁做出了反抗。All was quiet until the second day when the 'prisoners' rebelled against their incarceration.

到现在为止,347名被定罪的恐怖主义份子被牢牢地关押在我们的监禁设施中。As I sit here today, we have 347 convicted terrorists secure in our incarceration facilities.

伴随他的审判和监禁将有多少恐怖威胁或者人质被征用?How many terror threats or hostage takings might have accompanied his trial and incarceration?

我们的监禁率更高,那是因为我们不像你们那样处死每个人,你个白痴。Lmfao. Maggot. We have a high incarceration rate idiot because we do not execute everyone like you.

接着,赫特人罗塔被绑架事件引入了赫特人齐罗,影片以齐罗的被捕结束。Then, the kidnapping of Rotta the Hutt introduces Ziro the Hutt, and the movie ends with Ziro's incarceration.

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父亲、镜像、幽闭是解读陈染小说的重要意象和线索。Father, mirror image and incarceration are three important images and clues for interpreting Chen Ran's novels.

最好是半油门附近的路比全油门和自由进入监禁。And it's better to half throttle your way around with freedom than to full throttle your way into incarceration.

陈前总统如被继续羁押,无斥是使他毫无可能行使适当辩护准备,等于是先行否定他获得公平审理的机会。His incarceration is making it sheer impossible for him to build an adequate defense, denying him a truly fair trial.

监禁率已从1980年的千分之1.39猛增至2006年的千分之七,打击毒品犯罪是驱动这一比例上升的原因之一。The incarceration rate exploded from 1.39 per 1,000 in 1980 to 7.5 in 2006, driven, among other things, by the war on drugs.

鲁镇文化是一种吃人性的文化,祥林嫂被鲁镇文化的幽闭就是被吃人性文化的幽闭。Sister Xianglin s incarceration by the culture of Lu Town was just the incarceration by the inhuman and androphagous culture.

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女囚数量的增长速度几乎是男囚的两倍,在过去十年内是三倍。The number of female inmates is increasing almost twice as fast as the men's incarceration rate, tripling in the last decade.

但是如果对他的两个儿子,许多他的心腹以及穆巴拉克本人的监禁将推翻这些疑虑,他补充道。But the incarceration of his sons, many of his closest associates and now Mr Mubarak himself may push those doubts aside, he adds.

目的探讨经脐静脉推注催产素是否可防止胎盘嵌顿于子宫颈口。Objective To study the effect of umbilical vein infusion of oxytocin on prevention of placental incarceration at os uteri externum.