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你用一句绝妙的引文很恰当地开始。You fitly begin with an elegant quotation.

当时我恰好目睹了这个事情的全过程。I witnessed the whole process of this thing fitly at that time.

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一句话说得合宜,就如金苹果在银网子里。A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.

面试的时候,他谈吐合宜,表达恰当,给老板留下印象。During the interview, he deeply impressed the boss with words fitly spoken.

本商场以供应高中档产品为主,为您装点人生。Mainly engaged in medium and High-grade products, our bazaar may fitly decorate your life.

他的眼如溪水旁的鸽子眼,用奶洗净,安得合式。His eyes are as the eyes of doves by the rivers of waters, washed with milk, and fitly set.

如果一家公司的网络名称恰好是其临街店面,那麻烦就更大了。If the network name of a company is his fitly , face street storefront, that trouble is bigger.

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福音书中的这位年青人用「良善夫子」来称呼我们的主,我更应如此称呼祂!If the young man in the gospel used this title in speaking to our Lord, how much more fitly may I thus address him!

这种统治力量其实恰好也和微软在操作系统领域的力量几乎完全一样。This kind of regnant force also is in with Microsoft fitly actually the force of operating system domain almost just the same.

新文化的发起者往往是年轻的一代,这一群体恰好是CNNIC指出的网民中的主力军。The sponsor of new culture often is young generation, this one group is the main force in the netizen that CNNIC points out fitly.

传统评估方法主要通过计算发动机排气温度和燃油流量的变化进行评价,该方法反映的发动机特征信息不够全面。A common way is calculate the deviation of exhaust gas temperature and fuel flow capacity, which not fitly reflects the entire performance information.

我国的改革开放和经济快速发展恰好赶上经济全球化和城市国际化的世界潮流。The reforming and opening of our country and economy grow to catch the world trend of economic globalization and urban internationalization fitly quickly.

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你说不去吧,赶上上级如来是个老糊涂,观音又恰好到更年期,惹恼了我容易下岗。You say not to go, catching up with ranking Buddha is doited, avalokitesvara arrives fitly again the turn of life, offend angry I am easy come off sentry duty.

这四辆马车不妨说是四所流动的疯人院,各院病人表现出不同程度不同方式的精神错乱。These four brakes might fitly be regarded as so many travelling lunatic asylums , the inmates of each exhibiting different degrees and forms of mental disorder.

轻柔的紫纱像是海边落日中的彩霞,恰好迎合了沙滩一样的黄和贝壳剔透的光泽。Gentle violet gauze resembles is the rosy clouds in seaside setting sun, catered to the burnish that the get rid of of Huang Hebei carapace like the beach appears fitly.

COM技术的采用正好解决了这一问题,它可以将数据和操作集成起来,实现系统的无缝集成。However, the application of COM technology could fitly settle that problem, and its integration of the data and operation can realize the seamless integration of system.

福音的种子不宜以嘻笑轻慢的心看待,对别人灵魂深度的关怀,是成就主的教训及圣工所必须的。Our heavenly seed could not fitly be sown laughing. Deep sorrow and concern for the souls of others are a far more fit accompaniment of godly teaching than anything like levity.

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这一系列的矛盾与困惑正反映了明中叶以后文人士大夫们对中国文化发展走向的焦虑和探索。The series of antinomy and bemusement fitly reflected the literary men's angst and exploration to the development direction of Chinese culture after the middle of the Ming Dynasty.

比如,国外的网站上,名品鞋一些比较小的尺码会出现3折甚至1折的情况,但是,这些比较小的号码,恰好是中国市场最需要的。For instance, on foreign website, the name tastes a shoe a few smaller size can appear 3 fold even the 1 case that lose, but, these compare small number, fitly Chinese market needs most.

而南宁作为面向东盟的西部区域中心城市,刚好具备承接像富士康如许的超大型龙头企业实施转移的前提。And Nanning serves as a face eastwards of alliance western area center city, have fitly carry on like Fuji health such requirement that exceeds large bibcock enterprise to carry out move.