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身为一名卫理公会教徒,他是禁欲的热情拥护者。As a methodist he was a fervent advocate of temperance.

当天晚上,罗米拉尤的祷告比以往更加虔诚。That night Romilayu's praying was more fervent than ever.

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敏感的心,渴望奔赴,千里之外,你的胸膛。A palpating heart, covers many miles for your fervent breast.

义人祈祷所发出的力量,是大有功效的。The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

施维雅中国2012校园招聘宣讲会火热进行中!Servier China 2012 Campus recruitment is fervent in undertaking!

我对高孚利先生那种情同手足的关心是至深且巨的。So fervent still was the sisterly interest I felt in Mr. Godfrey.

但是,即使狂热的功利主义者现在都该留神,这里有两个原因。But even fervent utilitarians should pay attention, for two reasons.

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请记住我们日本正教信徒的祈祷。Please remember us Japanese orthodox christians in your fervent prayers.

火热的嘴,奸恶的心,好像银渣包的瓦器。Like a coating of glaze over earthenware are fervent lips with an evil heart.

那些最狂热最有说服力的末日论者中有一部分正是科学家。Some of the most fervent and convincing doomsayers, after all, are scientists.

在西方,大量的男人和女人是大规模杀人装置的强烈支持者。Lots of men and women in the West are fervent supporters of bloodstained setups.

祈祷的意思有“祈求,祷告,热切期望,寻求帮助”等。Prayer means "calling on, addressing, making a fervent request, asking for help."

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炽热的温度对他们半麻痹的系统而言只能传达出一种亲切和温暖而已。The fervent heat merely communicated a genial warmth to their half-torpid systems.

她的至诚,感动了佛心,于是现身遂其所愿。Her fervent prayers touched the heart of Buddha and so he appeared to grant her wish.

高涨的现场气氛让各雪场2011—2012雪季有了一个火热的开场。Rising spot atmosphere lets each snow field 2011, 2012 snow season had a fervent begin.

但是她好像不像惯常在立陶宛的政治家那样愿意分享热情的亚特兰大主义。But she does not seem to share the fervent Atlanticism usual among Lithuanian politicians.

藉由圣灵产生对弟兄真诚的爱,是真实悔改的最佳表徵。Unfeigned , fervent love through the Spirit should be the chief token of a true conversion.

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我们非打倒他们不可。“黛西低声地讲,一壁冒死境对于炽热的太阳一瞬。"we've got to beat th down, "whellospered daisy, winking ferociously toward the fervent sun.

就这样他们还是唱着激昂热烈的号子,那汹涌澎湃的河水号子。Under this circumstance, they still sing exciting and fervent songs— the surging river songs.

但是由于一群狂热的Facebook歌迷,乐队出于一个很好的初衷,正在纽约市进行重新组队。But thanks to a group of fervent Facebook fans, the band is reuniting in NYC for a good cause.