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这些巴利文的意思是什么?What is the meaning of those Pali words?

三皈依的第一条,在巴利文如何拼读?How do you recite the first refuge in Pali?

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三皈依的第三条,在巴利文如何表示?How do you recite the third refuge in Pali?

三皈依的第二条,在巴利文如何表示?How do you recite the second refuge in Pali?

德语藏经、有些经卷尚未翻译。Some Pali Canon books available in German translation.

佛陀所传授的一切法,巴利文的名称是什么?What is the Pali word for the whole Teaching of the Buddha?

所列的第四项和第六项没有在巴利文的记录中发现。The fourth and the sixth of his list are not found in the Pali record.

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目前,互联网上已有完整的罗马文拼写的巴利三藏。The entire Pali Tipitaka in Roman script is now available on the internet.

大星期五,大象沙纳八里在柏林动物园的一个塘里吃苹果。Elephant Shaina Pali eats an apple in a pool at the zoo in Berlin on Friday.

其中,巴利文的版本在语言和内容方面是最古老的。Among them, the Pali version is the oldest in respect of language and contents.

卫塞节这个词本身是巴利语的“卫塞迦”的僧伽罗语。The word Vesak itself is the Sinhalese language word for the Pali word "Visakha".

它们和标准巴利语翻译多少有些相同的意义。Most of them have more or less the same meaning as the standard translations of Pali.

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一是教导如何使用这本书梵丹纳八里字发音正确。One is to teach the users of this Vandana book how to pronounce Pali words correctly.

抑制肺组织内中性粒细胞的趋化,可能成为治疗胰腺炎肺损伤的新途径。Inhibition of leukocytes chemotaxis in lung tissue may be a new way for the treatment of PALI.

这就是为什么巴利文诗偈中反复以熄灭之火的形象作为自由的比喻。This is why Pali poetry repeatedly uses the image of extinguished fire as a metaphor for freedom.

我的主系是梵文、巴利文,两个副系是英国语言学和斯拉夫语言学。My two majors was Sanskrit and Pali language, two minors was English language and Slavic language.

词汇中的大多数双音节词都是外来语,主要来源是库美尔语、巴厘语和梵语。Most polysyllabic words in the vocabulary have been borrowed, mainly from Khmer, Pali and Sanskrit.

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单词Parinibbuto出现在巴利文的诗句中间,意思是要消除激情。The word Parinibbuto which appears in the pali verse, is taken to mean the destruction of passions.

所有研究巴利文佛经的学者都强调了它的重要性。All the scholars who have dealt with the Pali version of the Sutra are emphatic about its importance.

隆波田自由地运用巴利语词来为自己修学动中禅的各种体验命名或定义。Luangpor Teean freely used Pali terms to name the experiences from his practice of dynamic meditation.