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我听后赶紧去看莉莉安。I rushed to see Lillian.

为什么说这个,莉莲?Why do you say that, Lillian?

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莉莉安对我的恋爱生活非常感兴趣。Lillian took an interest in my dating life.

伯特在情人节那天向莉莉安求婚。Bert proposed to Lillian on Valentine's Day.

一月的时候,我在一个周末去看莉莉安。In January, I visited Lillian for a weekend.

丽莲要画一个长方锥体。Lillian wants to draw a rectangular base pyramid.

莉莲正从博物馆那边的斜坡上走下来。Lillian was coming down the ramp from the museum.

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莉莉安对我敞开心胸,我成了她的知己。Lillian opened up to me, and I became her confidante.

她是想说她全名是莉莲·玛格丽特·史密斯。She meant that her full name was Lillian Margaret Smith.

莉莲。赫尔曼的巨作从富有洞察力和写作技巧著称。Lillian Hellman's plays are marked by insight and finesse.

当我快三十岁的时候,我告诉莉莉安我想成为一名作家。When I was in my late twenties, I told Lillian I wanted to become a writer.

她扮演了由赫尔曼写的“另一部分森林”一个十几岁的女孩。She played a teenage girl in "Another Part of the Forest" written by Lillian Hellman.

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几年过后,我决定给莉莉安一个惊喜,把我的新书题词献给她。A couple of years passed, and I decided to surprise Lillian by dedicating a new book to her.

1925年7月3日,华特与莉莲·邦兹在爱达荷州路易士顿市结婚,莉莲是他首批雇用的员工之一。On July 3, 1925, Walt married one of his first employees, Lillian Bounds, in Lewiston, Idaho.

真正的以他的预测和后九不孕多年的婚姻莉莉安的女儿诞生了。True to his prediction and after nine infertile years of marriage Lillian s daughter was born.

例如,李莲丽说,最好的学新单词的办法是通过阅读英语杂志。Lillian Li, for example, said the best way to learn new words was by reading English magazines.

比方,李莉莲讲教新单凑婺最又恭的格式便史四读英语杂志。Lillian Li, for example, said the best① way to learn new words was by reading English magazines.

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伯特是斯库巴潜水教练,他有一回带人去泰国潜水时认识了莉莉安。Bert was a scuba diving instructor. He met Lillian in Thailand on one of the dives he was leading.

莉莲是个年轻的法裔加拿大女孩,在安大略省加纳德河畔的农业社区中长大。Lillian was a young French Canadian girl who grew up in the farming community3 of River Canard, Ontario.

姨顿感两腿发软,心急骤地颤抖,她转身往回走,全然没有听进去儿女们的嘟哝。Aunt Lillian legs, heart suddenly trembling, she turned and went back, didn't listen to children's murmur.