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这只弹簧已经被拉松,弹不回去了。This spring has been sprung.

我的乒乓球拍裂了。My table-tennis bat has sprung.

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你的孩子现在都长大了。Your children have sprung up now.

车的后部弹簧轴箱的一面。Sprung axlebox side of rear truck.

不幸源自贪婪。Unhappiness was sprung from rapacity.

在那次比赛中,我扭伤了我的左脚。My left foot was sprung in the match.

一个新的资本市场应运而生。A new market had sprung up out of nothing.

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圆材不涂漆使用很容易开裂。The log would be sprung easily without paint.

但是,当他们泄漏时,就会出问题。But, when they sprung a leak, you had a problem.

又一座摩天大楼在我们的城市之中耸立起来。Another superhigh building has sprung in our city.

市场上小贩们在明亮的的伞下做着生意。Market stalls have sprung up under bright umbrellas.

这幢旧楼的所有窗框全都翘曲了。All the window frames of the old building have sprung.

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我刚看完一堆书,头都发胀了。I just got sprung from the stacks, my brain was mushing out.

是厨卫顶空奏起的乐篇。It is music played for sprung ceiling of kitchen & bathroom.

同时,反对解散令的人们在基辅迅速的安营扎寨。Meanwhile, anti-dissolution tent camps have sprung up in Kiev.

现代化的港口设施已经延伸到集市东边。Modern port facilities have sprung up to the east of the Souq.

春回大地,肯定出现在这里的山区我的家。Spring has definitely sprung here in the mountains of my home.

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针对杂耍艺人所开的俱乐部及所办的活动在全球各地纷纷出现。Clubs and events for jugglers have sprung up all over the globe.

过去几年中许多的泡沫红茶店迅速的出现。Many bubble tea houses have sprung up during the last few years.

而一个伪造证件的黑市也应运而生。A black market has sprung up in fraudulent letters of completion.