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岩石峡谷。Stone Canyon.

黄石公园的大峡谷。Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone.

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这座桥的两头横跨峡谷。The bridge straddled the canyon.

请问,清凉谷风景区离这里还有多远?How far is Cool Canyon Nature Spot?

请问,到桃源仙谷风景区还需要多长时间?How long does get to Peach Canyon Spot?

瑞士“火箭人”成功飞越美国大峡谷Swiss 'JetMan' makes Grand Canyon flight

这个峡谷以回声而闻名。The canyon is famous for producing echoes.

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大夹谷实在是一个美景。Grand Canyon is truly a wondrous spectacle.

韩佳,浙西大峡谷到底有多长啊?Han Jia, how long is the Zhexi Grand Canyon?

辛巴看了看北边的峡谷。Simba views the rip-rap canyon to the north.

所以我再次转回头,向峡谷口返回。So I turned and headed back down the canyon.

大峡谷不仅仅是大,是硕大无比。The Grand Canyon is not just big. It's huge !

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我们就把马放在这伤心峡谷里。We'll corral the mustangs here in Blue Canyon.

第二天早晨,我们终于到了大峡谷。We arrive at the Grand Canyon the next morning.

这个峡谷在天然美景中居首位。This canyon heads the list of natural attractions.

日出步道灯的凯巴布峡谷内的。Sunrise lights the inner canyon on the Kaibab Trail.

科罗拉多大峡谷是世界奇观之一。The Grand Canyon is one of the wonders of the world.

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这是印第安人讲的有关布赖斯峡谷派尤特印第安人的神话。Indian legend of Bryce Canyon as told by Indian Dick.

站在大峡谷的边缘,作者是面对哪方的?Where was the writer on the edge of the Grand Canyon?

欢迎来到甘尼逊黑峡谷国家公园。Welcome to Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park!