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站排去!Station platoon goes!

第二排投入了战斗。The Second Platoon waded in.

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第二排投入了战斗。The Second Platoon waded in.

于是就从你的眼睛里排出来了。Then from your eyes platoon out.

三个班组成一个排。Three squads constitute a platoon.

全排集合点名。The platoon mustered for roll call.

我他妈的整个排全完了!My whole goddamn platoon is wiped out!

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那些女战士有阻止营火排吗?。Did the amazons stop the bonfire platoon?

在排里,这些容器通常是足够的。These cans contained enough for a platoon.

重炮小队作为后卫殿后。The HMG platoon was left behind as rearguard.

他派遣三排去扫清道路。He detailed the third platoon to clear a path.

我已向那个岛派出了又一个排的守军。I have stationed another platoon on the island.

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这根本算不上一个军队,甚至连一个排都算不上。That’s hardly an army. It’s not even a platoon.

你们这些小伙子为啥不排成一排走队列回家?Why don't you boys form a platoon and march home?

我的坦克排支援步兵连。My tank platoon was supporting an infantry company.

索杰在前面开路的先锋排遭到了来自1304高地的火力射击。Sawyer's lead platoon came under fire from Hill 1304.

该排前出隘路,进军平原。The platoon debouched from the defile into the plain.

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科尼尔上校像其他排发出命令。Captain Kearney radioed commands to his other platoon.

所有排风要直接排到室外。All platoon wind wants direct platoon to arrive outdoor.

中尉被委任指挥一个步兵排。The lieutenant was put in charge of an infantry platoon.