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检查TNSNAMES.ORA文件是否存在,它所在的目录是否正确和可访问。Verify that a TNSNAMES. ORA file exists and is in the proper directory and is accessible.

检查网络服务名,作为连接标识符在tnsnames.ora文件中存在。Check that the net service name used as the connect identifier exists in the TNSNAMES. ORA file.

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应用本法测定人参蜂王浆等口服液中总皂甙含量效果同样好。This method also yields good results in determining the total saponins in P. ginseng ora solution.

本文对火药、锅炉、砖窑爆炸所致烧伤43例进行分析,发现有爆震伤临床表现者26例。In this paper, 43 cases of burns caused by explosion of gunpowder ora boiler and a brick-kiln were analysed.

对纯棉、毛呢或有浆布料可加雾化水加湿装置,使布料预缩效果更佳,手感更好。For cotton, wool, ora slurry can be added to spary water humidification device, so that the fabric effect is more better.

田是否处在湖泊或是容易发洪水的河流,或是地势低洼,积攒附近山的土壤和其他物质?Is the field near a lake ora river that floodsOror in a low area collecting soil and other material from nearbyfieldshills?

这个能花一个星期才练得好一些,你只要每天上学或工作来回滑,最后你就像走路一样。This might take around a week to get good at. Just ride to school everyday ora something and eventually it will be like walking.

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一个在尼日利亚西南部的一个叫伊博-奥拉的农社已经以其“双胞胎之地”欢迎着观光者。A farming community located in Nigeria's southwest, called Igbo- Ora , has a welcome sign to visitors that reads "The Land of Twins".

拉斯莱、柏纳李和亨德虽然独立做研究,但都对语意网的潜力著迷不已。ORA LASSILA, TIM BERNERS-LEE and JAMES HENDLER are individually and collectively obsessed with the potential of Semantic Web technology.

按照惯例,赴宴时要准时,并随身带一瓶酒或一份不带个人感情的小礼品,如一些鲜花或一此糖果。It's customary to arrive on time for a dinner party and to bring along a bottle of wine ora small impersonal gift, such as flowers or candy.

例如在苏丹的ORA模型中,模型的文本分析产生了一个网络,其关键认为是穆罕默德,但这位伊斯兰预言家在公元前632年就已经去世了。the ORA model for Sudan, for example, the textual analysis resulted in anetwork in which one of the key individuals was Muhammad — the Islamic prophetwho died in AD 632.

如果是您使用ORALCE的客户端,你可以提供别名,然后您的客户端会从一个叫做tnsnames.ora的文件中读取连接信息。If your client is using the Oracle client libraries, you can also provide an alias, and your client will transparently fetch the associated information from a file called tnsnames. ora.

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本文从主电机、分动箱、螺筒螺杆、调速器、进料口等几方面分析了常见故障产生的原因并提出了解决办法。This text from main electric machine, disport -act box, spiral canister and pole, timing organ, material enter ora and so on analysed the reasons lead common errors and gave solve method.